023.1 // - OVERCOME

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— Rain wasn't on the menu for tonight, was it?


Her left thumb caressed the smooth nail on her right thumb, refusing to tear her eyes away from the motion. An uneasy weight seemingly placed itself on top of the car, the atmosphere leaving particles of suspense and anxiety for the two to breathe in. It hadn't been that long since the two got in the car, but the slow suffocating feeling of a string tightening around (Y/N)'s neck because of the atmosphere was starting to get to her.

Alhaitham was also experiencing the same weighting feeling circulating in the car. No words he could say right now would reverse the events of the unfortunate day, at least not at this time. Now wasn't the time to spew words of regret that held meaning to them, not while he was driving. It wouldn't be like him to do that.

He couldn't reach over to grab her hand, unsure how she would react. The last thing he wanted to avoid was seeing that painful expression she held on the day she barged out. All because of some selfish pride and ego that he was trying to use to protect himself. Glancing down at his hand on the stickshift, his eyes wavered slightly as a finger twitched.

Quite selfish of him to take his anger out on someone who tried to help him.

A sigh filled the atmosphere making (Y/N) look over to see a frustrated expression on Alhaitham's face. She tightened her grip around her thumb out of habit and returned to looking down at her lap. A lump in the back of her throat held back the words that wanted to claw their way out, the cause being the thick atmosphere closing around her.

Or well, was closing around her.

Once the sight of the lake surrounding Mondstadt came closer into view, the string around her neck snapped. Her eyes glistened at the water reflecting the light orange the sun brought, her lips parting in awe. An approaching sunset never failed to bring calmness to a storm of anxiety, making her forget why she was coming along for a few moments.

"Are sunsets one of your favorite sights that nature brings to us?" Her shoulders raised at how well Alhaitham's words pierced through the awkward air, bringing calmness from outside to inside the car.

Soft giggles left (Y/N)'s lips, Alhaitham looking over with a bit of worry in his eyes. Is this a way of keeping oneself in spirits in an awkward– His thoughts came to a halt when he saw crinkles at the corner of her eyes, a small smile hiding behind the back of her hand.

A warm smile spread across his face, his eyes filling with the same warmth. She doesn't full-heartedly hate me, and that's good. I'm glad she still has her high spirits. "What's so funny?"

"It's quite weird how the tone of words can change everything, you know?" (Y/N) removed her hand and placed it on her lap, leaving her eyes closed. Part of her wanted to see the warm smile she could hear through his words, but her brain refused. "You know, I felt like I was going to suffocate earlier. It felt like a thin string kept tightening around my neck, refusing to break regardless of how fragile it was."

Alhaitham took note of her eyes remaining closed, focusing his attention on the road. Had this been the Alhaitham from a month ago, this situation would have been avoided. Somewhere along the month he got to know (Y/N), his structured self started to crack. The logical and rational thoughts he would apply to everyday situations drifted away like clouds making way for the sun.

"Are you in thought again?" A hand hovered over Alhaitham's right eye to partially block his view. That was on purpose, of course. He grabbed (Y/N)'s hand, putting her hand on the stickshift with his. He could feel her attempts to free her hand that soon died out. If he glanced over to see her face, he would have seen the shock written all over. Though, he could picture it just fine.

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