019 // DAY 9

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> potential trigger warnings ahead; v*mit (this is why you drink responsibly)



“Alhaitham, please let go of my hand.” 

“My head hurts. You’re staying right here with me.”

"Then I can go get you some medicine."

Ah, how did this happen exactly? 

This was quite an interesting situation you had found yourself in. 

After you drove the both of you back to the houses, it seemed the majority of everyone still hadn’t returned. Well, until you had received a text from Nilou stating that Amber had run into Kaeya and offered for all of them to stay at his place in town for the night. Turns out, you were the only one who didn’t have anything to drink. Though you never got the chance to even had one, due to the interesting time that occurred upstairs and downstairs.

It was a bit strange that all of the cars that they drove in were gone when you found Alhaitham's car. Then again, Amber did know people in Mondstadt and Kaeya was probably one of those people. More than likely Amber was given a key to his house or one of his houses.

As if Mona had planned this, she had also taken your copy of the house key with her when everyone went out to Angel’s Share for the night. You found out this lovely detail when you went searching inside your small bag. With no Layla, Mona, or Nilou around to let you inside your place, you had no choice but to follow Alhaitham into his. 

Which was going to be perfectly fine.

With the way Alhaitham kept complaining about how he was feeling, you had set up the couch into the bed function for Alhaitham. You weren't trying to drag him up the stairs, nor were you trying to end up accidentally being pulled into his bed by either his drunken state or messing with you.

He went to sleep right away after drinking some water. Though he refused to take any medication because it wasn’t the right time to take it yet. You sat on the loveseat with a blanket over you after rummaging upstairs for blankets. Everything was going perfectly fine.

Except for maybe, one thing.

Alhaitham was currently giving an extremely genuine gift to the toilet that he downed in the tavern five hours ago. 

He had jumped up suddenly from the couch as if someone poured cold water over him, and made a beeline towards the downstairs bathroom. This had all happened when you were about to doze off but after hearing the odd sounds, it kept you awake.

Curiosity took the better of you as you followed where the sounds were coming from and saw the poor guy hunched over a toilet. You turned on the lights to make sure nothing had missed the target and then walked over to check on Alhaitham. You had only wanted to just make sure he wasn’t going to require medical attention, but it seemed there were other plans going for you tonight.

To make matters worse, you were stuck sitting beside him while trying to avoid the god-awful smell by pressing your sleeve into your nose. If someone else were to see you right now, they were sure to make fun of you for your ridiculous look.

“If you let me go, I can go get you some water. Then you can take acetaminophen or some ibuprofen after you are done with your pleasant gift. But sitting here and wanting to be babied will not make you feel better.” You lectured the grey-haired male, who didn’t even move a muscle. 

“Maybe it wasn’t a good idea to take that many shots. Sure high alcohol tolerance can be a thing, but your body is going to do what it wants to do. It’s all a part of our systems..”

𝐀𝐂𝐂𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐋 √𝐀𝐋𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐌Where stories live. Discover now