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"I can't believe winter break went by that fast. It felt like we were just here yesterday." A sigh left your lips as you fiddled with the red mechanical pencil between your fingers.

"You've said that for the millionth time already." Mona raised her right hand as she tilted her head.

You narrowed your eyes at your best friend. "And I will say it for as long as I live. That's what you get for ditching me."

"It was to help you out." She shrugged her shoulders, her gaze moving away from yours momentarily.

"Doesn't matter. It's my form of payback."

"Petty karma."

"Says the one who is supposed to see what awaits someone's future."

"That's a sharp tongue you have. Did you learn that from a certain someone?"

You scoffed while trying to suppress the corners of your lips. "Yeah, I did. The someone is about your height and is intelligent during the early hours of the morning."

The corner of Mona's lips twitched in response to your answer. You could barely hear her tiny sigh, the stillness of the study hall almost drowning it out. The answer you gave wasn't the one she wanted to hear, but you weren't going to give the astrology girl what she wanted.

After all, it's the petty karma coming back to her.

"Fine, fine. You win."

"Next time you ditch me, you're the one buying groceries without mine or Layla's help."

"Please don't say that. It's already scary enough having to manage my funds."

"Then get better at managing. I can help you, but I'll charge you for my time invested."

"Aren't friends supposed to help each other?"

"Correct, that is what I am doing. Offering my help that would have been free if someone didn't–"

Mona threw her hands up to stop you from going any further. "Fine, fine! I'll buy the groceries for the next week. Just don't charge me."

"And you have to do the cooking."

Inaudible words spilled out of Mona's mouth as her gaze returned to the scattered pieces of paper on the table. You glanced over your phone on the table, the screen remaining dark. Knowing him, he's probably engrossed in his studies. He probably won't text until he's at his dorm or done with his last class, just like before.

Today was the first day back for the students of Teyvat University after the three week winter break. To top it all off, it was also the same day the school decided to post the exam results. Apparently, due to the incident the university became infamously known for, the school officials were wrapped up in the investigation case for a week. The university gave the professors the same week off, meaning the only time for the professors to do anything related to the university was last week.

Your ears picked up on a nearby conversation in the study hall. "I can't believe they decided to post the results today. Why today of all days? Couldn't they have waited until tomorrow? Now my whole day is ruined."

"Well, maybe you should have studied more. Did you see the scores some of the other students had? I mean, I passed, but damn. They must devote a lot of their time to studying."

If you're accepted into a school with high expectations, shouldn't you at least try to meet their standards? The thought roamed in your head as you suppressed the aggravated sigh. This conversation wasn't the first one you heard today. It was a reoccurring dialogue in almost all of your classes, people trying to label today as some sort of secret doomsday.

𝐀𝐂𝐂𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐋 √𝐀𝐋𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐌Where stories live. Discover now