031 // THIS IS ...

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The collective chatter of the students nearby drowned out the broken sobs that had been on constant replay for nearly two weeks now. But to the students who were in earshot of the broken tears, it was all they could hear.

Unfortunately for you, you had gotten wrapped up in the crowd around the girl. That’s what happens when one ignores their surroundings. There were other things that you could be doing right now, such as eating lunch, but you were already too far in the circle.

“I really don’t understand, what did I do wrong?”

The short male in question dragged his hand down his face. Beside him was a girl a few inches above his height, her arms crossed against her chest. “Can’t you just move on already?”

Her trembling lips parted. “I can’t move on. Not when you cheated on me.”

An eerie silence washed over the audience. The words the girl spoke took you by surprise just like everyone else. Your eyes locked onto the male in the center, his fingers twitching at what was just said. The hushed whispers caused you to look around the crowd.


“This girl has been crying for two weeks and this is the first time she mentions that?”

“I would be in her shoes too. But I would kill the guy afterward.”

“Did someone record this?”

“That’s a real shame.”

Alhaitham hit the nail on the head two weeks ago. But why did she do this for two weeks? For attention or to raise awareness? Did she wait until a decent-sized crowd gathered to admit this? Why didn't she just admit it from the start?

Gears of uncertainty started to turn in your brain, sending cautious waves throughout your body. The tips of your finger tingled in result, an uneasy feeling swirling around your heart when you redirected your attention back to the center. Everyone else around you continued with their harsh comments before a hysterical laugh sliced right through it.

“Cheated?” The male whipped the corners of his eyes with his free hand, the other pressed against his stomach. “Oh man, I didn’t think you were this delusional! You were just someone I talked to while my girlfriend and I took a break.”

Isn't that what the party in the wrong says all the time?

The black-haired girl bit her bottom lip, a broken look displayed in her eyes. Her whole body was trembling, her knuckles turning white from how hard she clenched them. “You’ve got that story mixed up.”

"Oliver, this girl is nothing but a waste of our time. She's been doing this ridiculous act for far too long now."

"She might do this again next week, Emi."

Emi threw her arms in the air. "Who cares? Just ignore her!"

"I'm ending this today. She'll wish that she didn't build this up for two weeks."

“This is quite boring to watch when one party is lying. The acting is horrible.” A disappointed voice sounded beside you. Turning one eye to see who the commentator was, you did a double-take to confirm you weren’t hallucinating.

“If you’re going to gawk, don’t make it so obvious.” The dark blue-haired male crossed his arms, refusing to bat an eye at you. Out of all the people standing around a confrontation scene, he was the last person you expected.

You held back a few choice words. It would be better off for you not to say anything rude to him. “I’m glad that you feel the same way I do.”

“I think it’s the guy. When that girl brought up cheating, he froze up. Every time before this, she would question why he left her. His answer varied each time but the story stayed the same.” Scaramouche sighed in annoyance while he shook his head.

𝐀𝐂𝐂𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐋 √𝐀𝐋𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐌Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz