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Signs of abnormal obsessive behavior that may be disturbing to others. If you or anyone in your life is experiencing this behavior, please find help.


"I think the outfit you were in earlier would have been just fine." (Y/N) looked at Alhaitham in the car, seeing the male dressed in an olive green sweater with beige-colored pants. A white undershirt stuck out slightly underneath his sweater, the shirt there just in case the temperature inside the restaurant was a bit hot. His choice of shoes remained the same, wearing his classic black combat boots.

"I could say the same for you." He glanced over at (Y/N), who tugged at the sleeves of her black cardigan. She wore a white sleeveless top underneath her cardigan, the top tucked into her high-waisted light blue jeans. Her choice of shoes were black combat boots like his, shoes she rarely wore unless the outfit called for them.

"Well, at least we're matching with our shoes."

"As if. That's some wishful thinking. Your boots have a more prominent heel than mine." He cleared his throat, pressing the gas pedal as the light turned green.

(Y/N) relaxed back in the seat, unconsciously holding onto the sleeves of her cardigan. At the end of their night out together, she planned on giving him the gloves. Regardless of whether he had brought hers. The gloves were in the bag resting on the floorboard between her feet. She occasionally glanced down at the bag to make sure it was still there as if it could grow a pair of feet and run away at any time.

She looked out the window, adorning the antique style the buildings displayed. The dimming sun shone on the building's windows, perfectly reflecting the vehicle she was in and everything else around it. Today, everything seemed to shine brightly due to the rain that poured on Mondstadt for about three hours.

In about an hour or so, the sky would turn black, meaning the small glittering lights of the night would emerge slowly. Mondstadt held beautiful scenery at night, as the street lights and the buildings all held beautiful colors to them when it would turn night.

When the two left the festival the other night, (Y/N) couldn't enjoy the scenery as much as she wanted to since her main priority was tending to Alhaitham. Seeing the lake outside of Mondstadt at night was a magnificent memory, as the stars that reflected in the calm waters seemed to make both of their worries for the night fade away.

Alhaitham had the same thought as well, finding his idea a bit childish and silly since it would be a day late. The gloves rested in a small paper brown bag behind his seat, the top folded over neatly with a piece of clear tape holding the flap down. His mind was too jumbled up when (Y/N) took him to the lake to even consider exchanging the gloves then.

Alhaitham was extremely thankful for (Y/N)'s kindness as she didn't bring the topic up when the two arrived back at the houses late that night. Kaveh was the first one to greet the two home that night, taken aback when he saw (Y/N) in the driver's seat instead of Alhaitham. The blond respected Alhaitham's wishes of not wanting to discuss that matter with others around, waiting until the girl left the car. The two ended up talking for about an hour after that, Kaveh checking in on his friend's mental health and other things as well.

Perhaps maybe I can discuss a bit more about that girl with her tonight. The name and the simple reason why I don't like her should be enough. He thought, gripping the steering wheel a bit tighter, releasing his grip immediately. His other hand rested on the stick shift as he straightened his posture.

"Where did you guys go out to eat today?" Alhaitham asked, tilting his head to the left to crack it. A small pop emerged in the car, (Y/N) paying no mind to what he just did.

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