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Fren Becky went to the restaurant and ordered food. But no one spoke a word. Freen finally broke the silence and said....

" So. Thanks for taking care of me." .

" No mam it's my duty."

" Becky!" Freen looked around and said,"Is that all.... You did all of that just because I am your teacher?" .

.... Becky kept silence.

"Humm?" Freen again demanding a answer.

"Mam..I .." becky was about to say something but the waiter came to take there order.

"Mam can I take your order." .

Freen and becky ordered. Becky was hesitant to order first then freen forced her to order something so she picked the lowest price food.

On the other hand miss Y was sitting a table behind and ordered the same thing as freen. Because she already knew freen's favourite food.

Freen kept on looking at becky and asked again.
"Why didn't you called anyone elderly?"

Becky was still silent.
But freen suddenly saw something and her expression changed. Freen who was smiling till now her face became cold again. She looked down then again to becky and then again at the exit.

" I wanted to thank you. Only because I wanted to thank you that's why I asked you to come. You're my student and you should remember it. Next time if you saw me like that or anyone else call someone older and call an ambulance if necessary.". Freen said coldly.

Then stopped talking and put on a straight face.

Becky who notices every move freen makes now saw this change was worried and started looking for what could have caused it.

"Why are you looking around? Did you understood what I said?" Freen asked annoyed.

"Yes mam." Becky said.

"Don't call me mam here. We're outside so don't call me mam"

"Then what should I call you?" Becky asked holding a glass of water and then she started to drink it.

"Call me by my first name. Freen."

Becky looked amazed and shocked that she spilt all of the water on herself.

" Sorry sorry mam." Said becky embarrassed.

"No need to be embarrassed. Go to the washroom and clean yourself." Freen said while she tried to clean a bit with a tissue paper.

Becky just enjoyed the moment when freen was cleaning becky's face.

"Why are you smiling?" Freen said coldly with no expression."go to the bathroom."

Becky just followed and went to the bathroom.

Miss. Y who was still watching them from a far suddenly saw freen touching becky's face and blasts into anger and broke the glass she was holding.

"Mam are you Okey. You're bleeding! O my god! You nedd to go to the hospital..." A ledy waiter who was passing by saw miss . Y bleeding and came to help.

Becky tried to look through the crowd but couldn't she who it was and left. Freen from just looked and smiled from a far.

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