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After hearing those words freen didn't knew what to think but remembered something becky said a week ago.

A week ago ...

Becky and freen were cuddling on freen's house when becky asked freen,

"Freen ?"

Freen kissed becky and said "yes!"

"What do you want do after this?"


"I didn't meant after this. I meant in future. Our future."

"Well my mom already knows and when time comes she will convence my father too. Then we have to convence your parents. After that we can go abroad where same sex marriage is legal.  Then get a citizenship and get married there.. and live there happily ever after."

"Is that really that easy."

"It will be if we're by each other side."


"Then it will be okay."

"I wish I could have your kids."

"You know I can give you everything except that."

"We can use other means."

"And involve some stranger into our life. I want something just ours, you and me."

" Humm.." becky disappointedly said.

"Do you like kids that much.?"

"I always wanted to be a mother.you know having someone to dress up. Buy clothes for. Make them food. Kiss them, hug them, feed them and beth them. so cute."

"Wow! You're barely a adult yourself and you want to raise a kid. Well, if you want to do all of that you can do that to me."

"What? Pfftttt..." Becky starts laughing so hard......


Now freen only could hear that laugh in her mind when she was driving her car back to Bangkok.

Freen always have a fantasy about becky's house her room. Judging by her personality, freen always thought becky's would be cute, charming, welcoming. A small two story house with a small garden in front of it. A swing in the front yard. That's what becky described. But freen always thought her house was like from a thai series house.

And about her room that must be the cutest Little room in the world. Which she didn't even get to she.

All the dreams about Becky's house was ruined for freen because when she saw the house it felt like a jail that was keeping her from seeing becky.

Now freen was still driving and her car was speeding up. Even though her car able to get a high speed but she naver speeded before but this time it might be her rage that was giving the car more speed.

Freen remembered becky's laugh, smell, hair, her lips. All the moments they spent together. Everything they did. The late night conversations. Study sessions. Her smile.

Thinking about all of the moments her a smile appeared in her face. All tears kept falling from her eyes.



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