74. final good bye

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" freen?"

" Bec bec?"

Both of them looking at each other smiling.

"So we are getting married." Freen said.

" Are you not happy?"

" Of course I am. I was just thinking how first life changes right? First I was your teacher, then girlfriend, then boss. Now I am going to be your wife.." said freen hugging becky.

" Umm yeah!"

" Then we will live here forever"


"We should have a big wedding. I will invite 1000 guests. I like it grand."

" But I want a small wedding where we will have just our friends and family and loved ones.."

"Okay I can settle at A100 guests but I am not going any lower."

"May be we can have a kid."

" What?" Becky worriedly asks.

" Yes! A girl just like you." Freen then kisses becky.

" But I also want a girl like you freen."

" Okay I will have your baby and you can have my baby." Freen again kissed becky

" Our babies."

" Where do you wanna go for our honeymoon?" Freen asked.

" Somewhere with beach maybe!"

" Then we should go to bali or Maldives?"

" But I just joined a job I can't take a long vacation like that right now."

" Did you forgot I am your boss? Or I will buy another company for you and give you a job there.."

"You're really spoilt you know."

Freen just laughed . Then becky started laughing.

Their laughter was so loud even saint who lived in the outhouse could hear them.

Just like this freen and becky stayed there rest of their live.

Just like how freen said there was 100 guests in their wedding and freen also distributed foods to over 1000 people on their wedding.

After that they went to Maldives for their honeymoon.

Mr. K and irin started dating and nop met a new girl at freenbecky's wedding.

Saint stopped working for Chankimha's and started teaching in the college.

Becky kept her job at the company where freen was the boss.

Freen becky lived their live happily ever after and stayed by each other live in happiness and sickness.

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