Chapter Ten

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"And...send!" Chan said the others. Chan, Minho, and Changbin watched the youngers all press submit before laughing.

"Now I need something to distract me for the next month or two, I'm already nervous" Hyunjin said as he fell back on the chair.

They were all applying to the university. They were nervous to say the least but they know they will get in.

After all, the youngers were at top with all of their classes and all participated in many school events and also ran for student government. It should be a 100% guarantee that they should be accepted.

"So how are we gonna do this? Are we gonna wait til all of us get the email and open it together? Or we do we do it on our own time?" Jeongin asks.

"Hm...let's open it together! Then we can all be together and record our reactions" Felix said with a giggle.

Felix was the one who wanted to get into the school the most. He's been talking about it since their Sophomore year, he always made sure he was on top of all his classes, and never missed a day (unless you count the others dragging him out of class because he was sick and refused to stay home)

The only problem is.

His parents hates his school choice. They want him to go to one of the Ivy schools in America of all places. But he didn't.

He wanted to study dance.

He wants to be a choreographer.

No matter how many times he argued with his parents they walkways ended up getting the last word.

"If you want to apply to that school then you have to apply to NYU. No exceptions."

He remember his mom say.

So he did.

Not like he has much of a choice.

"Yeah I think that's a good idea" Hyunjin said, pulling him out of his thoughts.

A month later

"I got in!!" Jeongin yelled as he ran over to the others.

"Jeongin! You were supposed to wait for us!!!" Hyunjin whined, Minho smacked him upside his head and he whined louder.

"Congrats innie, I knew you would make it in" Minho said to him with a genuine smile.

The others agreed with him.

"Is Felix coming?" Seungmin asked, but jisung shook his head.

"Something came up, I think his parents caught him trying to sneak out again" Jisung explained. The others were frowned but they knew how his parents were.

"Should we open the email another time?" Seungmin asks, but hyunjin shook his head.

"Nah I think he would understand, plus once he gets in we'll celebrate!" Hyunjin said. At first the others were against it.

But they thought about it and Felix couldn't be mad.

It's Felix.

And so

Hyunjin, Jisung and Seungmin all opened the email. And all read the same thing

Congratulations! We are pleased to inform you of your acceptance!

"We got in!!!!" They all yelled at the same time. The others cheered


"I didn't get in..." Felix read the email and he felt his heart break just a little. He got the email and he just wanted to know if he got in or not. He and the guys were supposed to open them together but he couldn't wait.

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