Chapter Fifteen

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"I think it's time we finally talk." Minho said quietly.

Felix scoffed and was quickly to pull away from the older once he felt his grip get loose.

"Why would you tell him? I've been practicing for months for this event and now I can't participate that and got kicked out of the class!" Felix couldn't help but yell. The others were gonna say more until a phone started ringing, everyone had took out their phone but turns out it was only felixs that was ringing. He froze when he saw the contact name.

He pressed answer and held the phone up to his ear "hello.?" He said quietly.

And all the others can hear is a women screaming on the other end. Minho clenched his jaw in anger when he saw Felixs eyes water again. The yelling continue and the others couldn't help but watch. Back in high school Felix would always walk away from them whenever his mother called.  He never wanted the others to see how he was treated verbally.

But now that they're hearing all of this, seeing how it's affecting Felix.

It broke their hearts.

Felix muttered a small "okay" before he hung up. He had an emotionless expression on his face as he looked at the others. "I don't want to speak to guys. Ever again." He said in a monotone voice. He felt betrayed, all this time he thought he was going crazy. Those dreams he kept having were all true.

And they fucking knew.

They knew Felix couldn't remember them, they knew about Felix's accident, they knew all of these things but still fucking betrayed him. How was he supposed to feel? Was he supposed to forgive them? After everything? He can't.

"Felix- let's just sit down and talk about this-"

"What is there to talk about? Huh? The way you guys just- just lied! Lied to my face for months!" He sneered. The tension was so tense and heated no one knew what to say or do.

"How long have you guys known?" He followed quietly. The others avoided eye contact with the boy standing before them.

"How long have you known!" He yelled. The others flinched.

"Since we met.." Chan said quietly.

"So...we used to know each other? We were friends and I can't remember? And you guys kept that from me?" Felix scoffed and laughed. He ran his fingers through his hair. The others looked at him with worried expressions.

"This entire time- How could you keep that from me?"

"How could you keep the accident from us?" Hyunjin couldn't help but say. The others looked at him, quite shocked that he said that.

"Thats none of your business."

"I don't know any of you! At least I thought I didn't.." His voice got quiet. He just felt lost, he hated this.

"I thought I was going- fucking crazy! Every night I kept having these weird dreams and I thought it was because I stopped my meds-"

"Felix calm down you're not breathing right."

"Don't tell me to calm down! How can I calm down when I feel like everyone is against me! You don't get to tell me to fucking calm down!" Felix finally said. Everyone was quiet, not knowing what to say, feeling the guilt settling in firmly in his chest.

Felix still felt like he was suffocating, he feels like someone was stepping on his chest and not letting him breathe. What did he do to deserve this? All he asks was to not be alone, to have people care for him. But he gets this, that's all he gets?

He turned and walked away from them. The tears building up once again when he realizes he just lost them. He lost the only people who made him feel whole, maybe he should apologize- maybe it's his fault.

Felix felt a hand on his shoulder before suddenly arms were wrapped around him.

"I'm not letting you leave, not again.." Chan said, the memories from a year ago came rushing back to Chan so quickly. He didn't want to loose Felix. None of them did.

"I can't loose you. None of us can. We are family." Chan quietly told him. And Felix laughed, actually laughed.

"Don't you get it? You already did." Felix pulled away from him and walked away. And just like before.

None of them stopped him.



I'm such a bitch bro LMFAOOO, I'm so sorry for leaving you guys hanging for an ENTIRE MONTh, that was a dickhead move. I was so busy with...well life lol, BUT IM BACK. I wanted to end this book and start book TWO, only because I feel like if I put everything in one book it just won't go the way I want it. PLUS, I can do so much more with the new book.

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