Chapter Thirteen

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TW: Anxiety Attack.

Felix woke up a few hours later, his body felt sore but he definitely felt better than he did before. He rubbed his eyes as he sat up from the small couch. He kinda forgot where he was for a second but the smell of food quickly woke him up.

He yawned as he stood up and walked into the small kitchen, just to Find Chan and Changbin cooking.

"Mornkng.?" Felix said sleepily. Chan turned and looked at the boy and smiled.

"How was the nap? Still in pain?" He asked gently. Felix shrugged and sat down in the small chair.

"Where are the others?" He asked the two.

"They had some things to do, something about exam season" Changbin told him.

And if you're wondering about the two.

They decided to take online classes, it was cheaper that way plus they'll have more time to do their own music and not worry so much about getting dress and going to class everyday. They had already taken their exams months before, usually the others would all stay in the twos apartment for a little study day, but due to Felix, they decided to do it in their own respected dorms.

"Fuck I forgot about them..I have to study.." Felix groaned as he hid his face in his hands. He really didn't want to do exams, his brain hurts too much for his liking.

"Well you're not leaving until you have a full stomach." Changbin said. The shorter (but older) boy always makes sure Felix was eating right and healthy, ever since they caught Felix in a lie when he quite literally, only ate ramen for two weeks straight. But that's not the point here.

"What are you making anyways? It smells good" Felix removed his hands and peaked over at the pots.

"Some white rice with avocado and chicken breasts." Chan explained and Felix's mouth literally watered at the words.

As said before, Felix hasn't really had a home cooked meal in a while.

Speaking of home. Felix looked around for his phone, he didn't remember the last time he had it.

"Do you guys know where my phone is?" He asked the two. Their once smiles had faded to serious ones, it was a silence at first before Chan spoke up.

"It's in my room, should be charging."

"Okay..thanks." Felix got off from the stool and disappeared from the kitchen to retrieve his device.

"Are we gonna ask him?" Changbin asked chan but the older sighed.

"I don't know, I don't want him thinking we're being nosy and checking his phone." Chan said

"But it was notifications, he can't say much if his phone was out in the open"

"Yeah when he was literally bruised and beat up, and couldn't even talk properly because he was on the verge of passing out" Chan said bluntly. Changbin rolled his eyes.

"We need to start asking him more questions, we're like sitting ducks here." Changbin scoffed.

Chan understands where this angry and annoyance was coming from.

They have been waking on eggshells around Felix , being too scared that they'll say something wrong and he'll run off again. But today, realization just hits them for a second.

Felix is a grown man, they haven't seen him in over a year, he's not the same person he was in highschool

Despite him not remembering , the others have no clue how this Felix is.

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