𝟎𝟔. flashbacks

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chapter 6, flashbacks !

AUGUST, MINDY AND TARA sat together at the back of an ambulance car. Chad stood next to them while silence consumed around them, they thought about what happened to them the night before.

August now wore a bandaid on her cheek and Mindy had her arm bandaged. The blonde thought about the incident that happened in her own house.

She was mad at herself. Mad because she could have saved Anika if she didn't freeze in fear. She was stupid for just staring in shock.

August pulled at her blonde hair, crying silently. Stupid, stupid, stupid. She muttered to herself. It was exactly what happened when Wes was getting a knife plunged into his throat, all she did was watch in fear.

Loud footsteps walk towards the scene, making everyone's head perk up. They all see Ethan walking towards them, ducking underneath the tape.

Chad was quick the react as he stormed over to the curly head boy, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and pinned him against the cop car.

"Where were you?" Chad yelled at him, a glare on his face.

"What? When?" Ethan quickly yelled back.

August watched Chad interrogate Ethan, not wanting to move to pull them apart.

"Last night, where were you?"

"I had econ! You know that." Ethan defends himself when Chad slams him against the car once again.

"Bullshit! You disappear and my sister almost gets killed!" Chad frowned, looking over to Mindy.

Ethan shook his head, "I was in a study hall with 100 people, you can ask anyone."

Chad lets out a frustrated sigh, letting Ethan go. August finally lifts her head up as she makes eye contact with Ethan's brown eyes.

The boy was quick to run to his girlfriend but Mindy stops him. "Step the fuck back."


"You're on the top of my list." She harshly tells him, looking away.

"I'll go sit with him somewhere else so he's not near you." August gave Mindy a small smile which she returned. She stands up and walks over to Ethan, a blanket wrapped around her when she grabs his hand.

"I had econ." Ethan mumbled in sadness as they sat in another ambulance.

"I know." August softly kisses his cheek, laying her head down on his shoulder. Ethan interlocks their hands and rubbed circled on her hand while August thought back to woodsboro.

Judy Hicks takes a sip of her whine before putting it down, "Mm. And extra edamame. Please."

She wrote down a note for the twins when they get back home, smiling as she finished drawing a small heart on the post it.

"Thank you. I'll be there in ten minutes." She quickly hung up and walks over to the fridge, sticking the note on it, near a picture with her, Wes and August.

𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐀 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐎𝐑  ⸻ ethan landryWhere stories live. Discover now