𝟏𝟎. fifteen seconds

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chapter 10, fifteen seconds !

AUGUST HAD A bandage wrapped around her torso to protect her wound. She was rushed to the hospital to tend her wounds, the doctor said she was allowed to go out since she would be in a wheelchair.

So here she was, sitting in a wheel chair while she was in a van with Kirby, the twins and Ethan.

She wore Ethan's zip up, sitting beside him while they try to track the killer. He insisted on letting her stay over at his dorm since Chad was staying with Tara.

August said yes after him convincing her to stay. She has some left over clothes in his closet, her own toothbrush as well. She basically has everything she needed in his dorm because she slept over at his a lot.

"So, we're really doing the phone tracing thing that never works in the movies?" Mindy questioned, a look on her face like she was judging Kirby. "Keep em talking sam, two more minutes. We almost got him, and then he hangs up two minutes before we can get a lock."

"I can trace a call in under fifteen seconds." Kirby bragged, a cocky smirk on her face.

Mindy stares at her in disbelief, nodding her head. "Well, you've got them out there as bait."

"Because the killer usually calls from somewhere nearby."

"And you think they're safe because it's broad daylight in a public place?" Mindy asked her, tilting her head to the side.

"Look, I an here, okay?" Kirby reassured, glancing over to August who gave her a small smile. "So is Bailey."

"This is exactly how our Uncle Randy died. Broad daylight, public place, yanked into a van, stab, stab, stab, no more Randy!"

Everyone stares at her with a blank stare, August pressing her lips into a thin line and she raised her eyebrows. To ease the awkwardness, Ethan tried to offer Chad some cheetos but he declined.

"Sam," Kirby spoke to her through the headphones. "Stay frosty out there, okay?"

"We're good." She replied back.

August puts a hand on her stomach when she felt a sudden sharp pain. Ethan immediately turns his head to look at her, concern written all over his face.

"August, do you need the pills?" Ethan asked her. Before the doctor let her out, he gave her some pills to relief the pain. August nods her head and the boy reaches into his bag and shook some out of the container, giving one to August.

He also gave her a bottle of water to drink down the pill. August gave him a smile and she quickly swallows it.

"Did you get the location?" August asked Kirby, noticing her focused face. The older woman took a minute to answer her back.

"Yup, geolocation coming through right now." She told the group. "He's on the upper east side, he's inside an apartment building half way across the city!"

August's eyes widen in realization. "On west 96?"

"How did you know that?" Kirby questions her, eyebrow raised.

"Gale." She muttered in fear.

roan speaks !
Been busy with school since I have
a socials test this friday and a spanish project
due :(
Promise I'll update a longer one tomorrow!

𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐀 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐎𝐑  ⸻ ethan landryWhere stories live. Discover now