𝟎𝟕. a shrine

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chapter 7, a shrine !

"WHAT THE HELL is this?" August muttered to herself, looking around the alley and examining the well spray-painted ghost faces on the brick walls. Ethan held her head, dragging the fascinated girl.

"You'll see." Gale Weathers told her, grabbing a keycard out. "Jason and Greg were little atlantan rich boys, they used fake names to rent this place."

"How did you find it?" The blonde FBI agent asked the reporter.

Gale looks down at her in shock. "It's called investigative journalism for a reason. How didn't you find it?"

Gale grabs a keycard out, swiping it down and it opened the door. Everyone walks inside, Ethan following right behind them but feels someone tug on his hand.

He turned his head to look at August with a concerned expression. "What's wrong?"

"Just kind of freaked out, that's all." August shivered which didn't go unnoticed by Ethan. He sighed, taking off his jacket and placing it on the girls shoulders.

"It's okay, I'm here. No one is going to hurt you." He stepped forward, wrapping an arm around her and they walked inside the mysterious place.

"What is this place?" Sam asked, looking around. "What's with all the security?"

Gale walks away from the group, turning on the lights. The group looked in front of them with confusion.

"It's a movie theatre." Tara muttered.

"It's not just a theatre," Gale informs them. "It's a shrine."

The curtains then start to rise, exposing what was placed in the stage. The group made their way to the stage, curiosity taking over.

"Oh my god." August murmured, staring at the nine mannequins with black cloaks and knives. She lets go of Ethan's hand, wandering around.

"They've got the whole goddam franchise." Mindy announced, looking at all the items displayed in front of them.

August stood in front of two mannequins, feeling tears brim her eyes. She lets our a shaky breath when she saw what clothes the mannequin was in.

Her mom and brothers clothes before they died.

She bit her lip to prevent her from crying but it wasn't enough, feeling a tear slip from her right eye. August felt someone presence behind her but knowing who it was, she didn't turn around.

Instead, the person wrapped his arms around her, placing a small kiss on her head. Ethan's heart shattered in pieces when he felt her tremble in his arms.

He heard her soft whimpers and sobs that she tried to hard to hold back. Ethan glanced over to detective Bailey who was already looking at him, a stern look on his face.

He knew that Ethan fell for the girl.

Ethan fell in love with August Hicks and it was getting in the way of the plan. So it was either he killed her or he tries to convince her to join them.

They made a deal that no one will hurt her or kill her, it had to be Ethan. And surprisingly they both agreed.

"Hey, how'd they get all this stuff?" Tara questioned. "I mean, isn't this all evidence?"

"Well, cops like money." Gale informs them, glancing over to the girl, "and evidence can get lost pretty easily. Present company excluded of course."

"Why am I here exactly?" Leaning against a prop. "My alibi checks out."

The twins look over to him. "So I can keep an eye on you roomie."

Mindy glares at him, making a motion of 'i'm watching you' which made August giggle, holding onto Ethan's arm as he rolled his eyes.

"The killer must've found this place before he murdered Jason and Greg and then he took the masks off the mannequins." Gale explains while August watches as Sam walked up on the stage, staring at the cloak in the middle. "All nine of them; from Billy and Stu to Richie and Amber."

Everyone stood in front of one of the cloaks. "So, somebody killed these chuckle fucks and took over?"

"Someone who believes Sam masterminded the attacks in woodsboro." Gale nodded slightly.

"If this were a normal stab movie, this would be the killers lair." Mindy spoke up.

"Which means this isn't a normal stab movie." Kirby shoots back at her, the group all looking at her.

August frowned, letting in a sharp deep breath before running off the stage. Ethan shared look with Chad before following his girlfriend to wherever she ran off.

"August!" He called out to her, trying to catch up with her. "August wait a second!"

He finally got a hold of her hand, spinning her around and making her look at him. Tears were spilling from her eyes while she breathed heavily.

Ethan frowned, slowly bringing the girl into a warm hug. August cried on his chest, feeling the stress, the pain, the trauma and fear rushing through her veins all at once.

"I don't want to go through this again." August cried, shaking her head.

"You won't get hurt, I'm making sure of it." Ethan said, catching August off guard. She furrowed her eyebrows and pushing him off her. "What the— what did I say wrong?"

"What do you mean, you're making sure of it?" August questioned him with a confused face. Ethan stares at her.


"Holy fuck, are you the fucking killer?" August yelled.

"What? No!" Ethan yelled back, stepping towards her but August held her hand out, stopping him.

"Don't come near me until you tell me what i'll make sure of it means!" She hyperventilated, her hands shaking in fear.

"It means I'm not going to let anyone hurt you! God, August, I would never hurt you!" Ethan cries out to her. He was getting frustrated with these feelings he felt with her.

"I'm sorry." She apologized, Ethan walking towards her and wipes her tears.

Even if Ethan was the killer, would she even care? She loves the boy too much. Sure, she will feel betrayed but what would she do if he was?

Ethan grabs her cheeks, bringing her close to him and their lips connect. August kisses back and it didn't feel like lust or heat.

It felt like pure love.

roan speaks !
POV: when he's a psycho murderer
named ethan landry😍😍

𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐀 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐎𝐑  ⸻ ethan landryWhere stories live. Discover now