𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠

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chapter 16, alternate ending !

AUGUST DIDN'T KNOW what to say when she was trapped in the corner by Quinn. She held up the gun, pointing it at Quinn. The red head giggled, jabbing her knife forward to scare her. August gasped, jump back into the wall but she looked at Quinn in fear because now there was no escape.

Quinn jabbed her knife again, succesfully stabbing August in the arm. August hisses in pain, pressing onto her wound.

"You know, it's a shame that Ethan fell in love with you. He would've been the one that would gladly slit your throat." Quinn said, catching August off guard. "Oh yeah, he was one of the killers. Unfortunately, he backed out of the plan."

"Good. I would too if I had a psycho family like you!" August yelled at her, making Quinn angry. She was about the run towards August to stab her but then someone hits her in the head with a brick. Quinn gets knocked down, coughing out her blood and a few teeth laid on the ground.

August had her mouth open in shock, looking down at Quinn but then her eyes trail up to see Ethan. He breathed heavily, making eye contact with August. The blonde smiled, running into his arms and he wrapped his arms around her. She felt so safe in his arms.

"Fuck you, Ethan." Quinn gritted, standing up and recovering from the hard hit. Ethan puts August behind him and held up his knife. Quinn stepped back, staring at him in shock. "You're really going to kill your sweet, sister for some bitch?"

"Don't fucking call her thay Quinn. You're a psycho. You, dad and Richie were all psychos." Ethan said, glaring daggers at his sister. Quinn runs at her brother, lifting her knife up to stab him but a gunshot was fired. 

August shot her in the head, glaring. "Fuck the movies."

Ethan stares at his sister, she bled out on the floor. August gagged at the blood, Ethan engulfing her in a hug while he comforts her. She sobs and sobs. "I'm so sorry Ethan."

"It's okay." Ethan assured her, their moment was cut short when they heard gunshots. They looked at each other before running out, Ethan puts an arm in front of August, stopping her from running. 

Her eyes widen when Detective Bailey points his gun at Tara who was trying to hold onto Sam's hand so she wouldn't fall. August gripped the gun in her hands, looking over to Ethan for confirmation.

Ethan looks back at her, a frown on his face when he saw her expression. She wanted to kill his father. Ethan glances back at his father, his own blood before he looked back at August. She gave him something hat Bailey didn't, it was love.

He never recieved any praises or positive things from his dad, he was jealous of Quinn and Richie. They were the center of Bailey's attention while Ethan wasn't imprtant to him. Everything he said to Ethan was negative, nothing but negative.

So, he nodded his head. 

August gave him a sympathetic look before shooting Bailey in the back. The man screams in pain, falling to the floor. His gun fell out of his hands and it slid on the floor, far away from him. Bailey puts pressure on his wound, trying to stop the bleeding. He heard footsteps walk towards him, making him look up.

August and Ethan look down at him, glares on their faces. Ethan held his knife close to him as he crouches down and raised it up in the air and stabbing Bailey in the eye. August looked away at the gore, feeling disgusted by all the blood. 

Immediately, Ethan and August climb up the ladder and help Sam pull Tara back up. August brings her into a hug while Tara sobbed on her shoulder. She just comforts the hurting girl, she needed it after she watched Chad get stabbed many times by Quinn.

"Come on guys, lets get out of here." Sam motioned them to follow her, they walked towards the exit and when they stepped outside, cops were already there. Ambulences as well. 

"We need someone to tend her wound please!" Ethan yelled out, pointing at August, They were brough into the back of one of the ambulences while they tended August's wound. When they were done, they went to go see if anyone else needed help.

Ethan and August sat beside each other in silence, thinking about what happened in the theatre. August felt guilty for killing Ethan's family but then again, she didn't feel bad. She laid her head on his shoulder, feeling his head plop down on hers. 

"I'm sorry I killed them." August apologizes, wiping her tears away. 

"It's okay, someone was going to do it anyways." Ethan assured her, grabbing her hands and rubbing circles. August smiled softly down at their interlocked hands, leaning more into him. 

"Hey, lovebirds!" Mindy yelled out, a smile on her face as she points at something. The two look up, noticing someone laying on a stretcher. A smile grew on August's face when she notices who it was. 

"Is that..?" Ethan trails off, squinting his eyes to get a better and clearer look.

"Chad." August finished before she stood up and dragged Ethan towards their friends. Chad looked tiredly at Ethan and August, a small smile on his face and gave them both a thumbs up. August chuckles, grabbing his hands and she was happy that he survived. 

She didn't know how but she was happy.

"Okay, I want to go get some food and then we can all eat in Chad's hospital room or something. Sound good?" Mindy asked, getting hungry as her stomach grumbles. The group starts walking to the ambulence van with Chad. "What are we feeling? Chinese food? Fast food? What?"

They all shared a confused glance, looking back at Mindy. She shrugged her shoulders and starts skipping away. Sam furrowed her eyebrows at her. "Where are you going?"

"To get us food!" Mindy yelled back. 

The group laughs at her. Chad was brought into the van, Tara holding his hand the whole way. Ethan stopped in front of them, tugging onto August's hand. She looked at him with concern, putting a hand on his cheek.

"Are you okay?" She asked him, staring deep into his brown eyes.

"Yeah, I'm okay, It's just, what if you guys don't want me around anymore because of what Quinn and my dad did. As well as Richie." Ethan mumbled, overthinking everything. August sighed, looking over her shoulder and at Sam.

Sam frowned, knowing what it was about.

"Ethan, you turned to be a good guy. We trust you now, we know you're not like your family. I see you." August smiled, leaning her forehead against his. Ethan smiled, leaning in and pressing a kiss on her lips.

"I love you." He said as they pulled apart.

"I love you too." She smiles.

roan speaks !

and they lived happily ever after.

𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐀 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐎𝐑  ⸻ ethan landryWhere stories live. Discover now