𝟎𝟗. you can't run anymore

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chapter 9, you can't run anymore !

AFTER DISCOVERING THE big weird shrine thing for the killers, August was walking back to her dorm to grab some more clothes to leave at Sam's. Ethan insisted to go with her but since her dorm isn't far, she shrugged it off.

She had one of her earbuds while she walked through the sidewalk of New York, her switch blade in her back pocket just in case.

Suddenly, her music stops and it was replaced with her ring tone. She furrowed her eyebrows, bringing out her phone and looking at the number.

August stares at her phone for a moment more before she declined the call and placed her phone back into her pocket. It wasn't long until her phone starts ringing, rolling her eyes, she answers the call.

"August Hicks speaking, who is this?" She questioned, taking out her ear buds.

"Hello little Auggie." A familiar voice spoke through the speaker of her phone. August's eyes widen and she starts hyperventilating.

"Fuck you." August seethed, her hands shaking and she stops walking. She looks around her surroundings.

She was close to any stores that she can just run into and hide. But knowing that the killer doesn't care about any other humans, they will kill anyone that gets in their way.

"Poor August. You don't have a mom, a dad, and your brother is gone as well."

"What do you want from me!" She screams, tears brimming her eyes.

"I want to gut your insides to outsides because you're getting in the way of our fucking plan you bitch!" Ghost face screams back at her.

"How am I ruining your plan?" August questioned, starting to speed walk to the nearest and busiest store. She arrives at a gas station, looking around her.

"I see you." The killer giggles, hanging up the phone. August looks at her phone, running towards the cashier.

"Call the cops." She quickly said.


"Call the fucking cops!" She yelled but then the door opens, her head turning around to see the masked killer. Everyone around her screams, trying to run out but they stab each and every innocent person.

August's phone slips from her hands, running to the back, trying to find a hiding spot. She could hear the cashier beg for his life but then it changed into his horrid screams before his body made a loud thud on the ground.

The girl hides in the bathroom and she sat down, rocking herself back and forth while she cried. Maybe she should just go out, let the killer end her instead of her suffering.

She knew that it was going to happen.

She was going to freeze in fear and she wouldn't know what to do. Either way, she was going to die tonight.

August could hear their slow foot steps come closer to the bathroom. "You can't run anymore, Hicks."

August's hands start roaming around her pockets to find her phone but she was left with false hope, remembering that her phone slipped out of her hands before she ran away.

From in front of the counter, her phone rang. Ghost face turns around and walked towards the ringing device. They looked down at it, staring at the device.

Ethan was calling her, the background being August and Ethan smiling brightly while his arm was around her.

Ghost face scoffed from underneath the mask, stomping on the phone. The glass shatters and the phone broke, leaving nothing but a different photo of Ethan and August as her home screen.

Inside the bathroom, August tries to build up the courage to stand up for herself. At least try to defend herself and stay alive.

She looked up at the ceiling, more and more years streamed down her face. The clock was ticking and the killer was coming close.

"Fuck it." She mumbled.

The killer drags their knife against the tiled wall, walking towards the bathroom. They looked at the doorknob, giggling under the mask.

"Stupid little girl." They said before opening the door quickly. When they looked inside the bathroom, August was nowhere to be found.

Their backs were turned and August came out of her hiding spot which was in between the door and the wall. She raised her switchblade up, bringing it down and stabbing the killer in the back.

She quickly brings it out, repeatedly stabbing the killer with the small knife. Ghost face turns around, jabbing their knife forward as it successfully stabs into her abdomen.

August lets out a blood curling scream as she was pinned against the wall. She glares at them, raising her blade and stabbing then in the shoulder.

Ghost face groans in pain, dropping the knife in the process.

August took this opportunity to grab the knife, successfully holding it in her hands. The killer turned around, punching her in the face.

But she stood her ground, spitting out some blood. "Geez, you punch like a pussy." She snickered, smirking while doing so.

Ghost face tilts their head, August shoves them to the ground. She got ahold of their cloaked hood, pinning their head to the ground. She could hear the groan from the big impact.

The knife was held against their throat, August smirking down at them. She leaned down and whispered in their ear.

"I'm going to slit your fucking throat." She whispered, her voice all raspy. Just as she was about to do it, she could hear cop sirens from outside the store.

August frowned, she ended up kicking them in the face and knocked them out. She stares down at them, a tear rolling down her cheek.

"You fucks messed with the wrong Hicks." She spat before she walked out of the bathroom. August ran out of the store, a hand putting pressure on the stab wound, seeing Ethan come out of a car.

He stares at the girl with shock and concern, looking down at her blood stained shirt. August ran up to him, Ethan engulfs her in a hug.

"Thank god you're safe." He mumbled into her ear. August just cries silently into his chest. Ethan glared over to detective Bailey, a visible frown on his face.

Because that was not part of the plan.

𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐀 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐎𝐑  ⸻ ethan landryWhere stories live. Discover now