Chapter 26 - The Bittersweet

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(O/N) - Old name


     This wasn't something the Head Keeper ever imagined doing if she ever saw the little girl again.

     Confirming her into the demon system and putting a chip behind her ear.

     (Y/N) flinched when the needle struck her skin but it was only for a second. When the woman pulled away, she felt her skin and the small dent the chip was creating. Her hand dropped down and she avoided looking into the woman's eyes. It wasn't just her shyness taking over but grief and sadness that this was how they reunited.

     The last time they spoke, (Y/N) was still a little girl. Still a human.

"Are they..?" The woman spoke, not wanting to say it.

     But (Y/N) slowly nodded as tears welled up in her eyes. "They're gone..."

"I'm so sorry, sweetie." The woman whispered, placing a hand over (Y/N)'s while the demon let the tears fall.

      She looked up at the woman's name tag. 'Head Keeper (O/N)'.

      She has obviously gotten older over the years since the Zone last visited her community. Her hair was starting to grey and wrinkles adorned her eyes. She was around the same age as her mother, in her 40s, and that alone made the demon hurt even more. Seeing the woman reminded her of how she used to have long conversations with her mother. They got along so well.

      (O/N) was just as heartbroken by this. How could such a sweet quiet girl end up this way? She heard about a demon being captured who has connections to the Elitists but this wasn't what she expected at all. The poor girl must've been through so much.

      The Head Keeper's maternal side came out as she wiped the demon's tears. "It's ok. You're safe now."

      Blythe was quiet as she stood in the back and watched her mother allow the demon to grieve. They had let her out the cell to put the chip in and had her sit on a table to do so. (Y/N) sniffed and moved off the table to hug the woman as more of her tears fells. She thought she was done with crying, but seeing this woman broke the walls even more.

     This must be the girl her mother used to talk about. Blythe remembered how after every trip to the surface, her mom would tell her about a community on the surface. How nice and secure it was. She would even bring back small trinkets like chicken feathers or food the Topsiders made. But she would always mention a girl her age too. Blythe never thought about it much but her mother always said she hoped the two will meet one day.

    Guess that day came.

"Mom?" Blythe spoke. Her mother turned with the demon in her arms as she rubbed circles on (Y/N)'s back. "Yes, honey?"

"There's something important you should know."

     Blythe knew she could trust her mother with revealing what was really happening to (Y/N). What the Elitists did to her and why they're after her.

      It further shocked the Head Keeper. But (Y/N) could only nod. She had Zankoku's blood. His abilities were in her.

"Did you tell Torres?" (O/N) asked but both girl's told her know. "Normally I would have to report lying to a Head but I'll keep it between us. I'll update the confirmation-"

"Nothing will happen to me, right?" (Y/N) cut in.

"You're confirmed, sweetie." Saying it felt so wrong. "You don't have to worry. We won't do anything to you."

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