Chapter 34 - The Gap

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I'm back from hiatus! <3


    Ever since their argument, (Y/N) has started feeling as if Yama was a bit distant from her.

    Despite having made up in the end, at least she thinks they did, she noticed he started to avoid her eyes more and became quieter when he was around her. Not that he was already quiet and reserved before, but this time it felt different to her.

     The Zone had set up a camp underneath an old overpass and used the vehicles that weren't scouting the area to create a wall circling the camp like before. It wasn't as big compared to the last camp but having a big slab of concrete covering them made the team feel much protected.

"Wow..." Whispered B. (Y/N) stood next to her as she took in the view they were both watching.

     The buildings. The skyscrapers. All of the signs of the old world clashed together with the resurgence of Mother Nature all around. It was a sight both girls never experienced before.

      Everything was so much taller and more compact compared to the smaller town they'd been in. Even the Zones felt smaller to B when compared to the hulking city. She stood atop an old vehicle as her yellow eyes traveled up and down the nearest skyscraper. "It's kinda scary, ain't it?"

"I think I prefer the country..." (Y/N) mumbled, leaning against the same vehicle as she looked down each large street.

     How they even maneuvered around all of these vehicles was beyond her. No wonder the Zone made a main camp and created smaller teams of three to continue searching. There's no way they're getting the larger vehicles through any of this.

"The sooner we can find those Outsiders, the sooner we can leave." B shivered. "I'm way too claustrophobic for this."

"Are you guys sure that the Outsiders would even agree to work with you?" (Y/N) asked, unsurely.

      B shrugged and hopped down from the vehicle, placing her hands on her shoulders. "Mom seems to think so. Usually, she has good judgment. But a whole community of people who steal from us and wear you guys like designer, I gotta say, my mom might be a lil' crazy with this one."

"But if they had the same goal as us, wouldn't it be beneficial to call it a truce?" While the Outsiders can be a bit eccentric, at least from what she knows, talking them into joining the fight is pretty ambitious.

"Whether they do or not doesn't matter to me. As long as they don't think they can rob us." B stated.

      B's radio began to buzz to life and she answered, the voice of her godfather coming through. "BB, where are you? The meeting's about to start."

"Just outside of the wall with (Y/N). We wanted to look at the city. We'll head back." B's radio call ended and together the two made their way back to the camp.

     Once they were inside, they went their separate ways. B going to attend the meeting while (Y/N) looked around for her partner. She wanted to ask him when they could start training but... he was nowhere to be seen.

      He wasn't at their cots settled toward the back of the camp. Or with (O/N) where the meeting was taking place in the center. Those are usually where she would find him.

      (Y/N) found Dog tucked away in the shadows on top of one of the carriers so she decided to ask him.

      Dog was sitting atop the large vehicle with a small lantern next to him as he sharpened a knife with one of his spider legs. He didn't even notice anyone was around until he heard his name being called. He looked up and saw no one but soon a thick black trail of blood latched onto the metal roof that made him jump in fright. But once he saw the head of (Y/N) pop up as she used the latched blood to climb up made him jump in fright a second time.

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