Chapter 28

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  • مهداة إلى everyone stuck in the cold today

So lilmonkey13 here, just wanted to tell you all that yesterday the group didn't have time to go on Facebook because they were chasing after Annie because, hmm, she started chasing after Frank when he was in a hamster ball. But everyone is alright but Annie isn't allowed around when Frank is at she and Leo are in bunker nine right now. Anywho this might be a bit longer so enjoy! :D Thanks for all the reviews and votes!

Leo updated his status~

can we please come back to camp! It's really cold here!


Frank Zhang: NO

Leo Valdez: Well, if you stay in HUMAN form or you know a non rodent she won't chase you around.

Frank Zhang: I don't want her out here!

Leo Valdez: Fine, if she stays in cabin nine would I be allowed back???

Frank Zhang: Nope.

Leo Valdez: Oh come on!

Chiron: Leo, you do have things to finish why don't you do those and we send out a few other Heaphestus kids out to help you?

Leo Valdez: And a heater?

Chiron: Sure and sweaters!

Leo Valdez: OK, i'm good with that!

Frank Zhang: good.

Percy Updated his status~

Piper, what are going to do!?!?!?! This is driving me insane! Just tell me! Or do it already!


Piper McLean: I'm going to get payback, good, no, and no.

Percy Jackson: PLEASE!

Poseidon the Awesome: Percy, the offer has been confermed you can come over to the palace in four days.

Percy Jackson: YAY!

Piper McLean: sorry, he can't. I have something planed for him

Poseidon the Awesome: So Percy you finally dumped that Athena girl good for you!

Annabeth Chase: No, he didn't. And BTW Lord Poseidon, 1) my name is Annabeth 2) she is planing on killing your son that day.

Poseidon the Awesome: Oh....

Annabeth Chase: Yeah.

Athena the Brave: Your son wouldn't be alive if he had dumped my daughter for an Aphrodite girl!

Aphrodite the Pretty: Excuse me whats wrong with my children??

Athena the Brave: Nothing, if you like tramps.

Aphrodite the Pretty: Oh, really!? So that would mean that no one would want to go out with your children 'cause who would want to deal with ugly annoying know-it-alls!

Athena the Brave: At least my children have brains!

Aphrodite the Pretty: At least my children can get a man!

Athena the Brave: Oh, right that's why there are so many of your kids!

Aphrodite the Pretty: That's 'cause I can get a man and all you do is date then dump them with a child when you didn't even do nothing with them!

Athena the Brave: And what is that supposed to mean you came from sea fome!

Aphrodite the Pretty: You came out of a migrane! You were a headache before you came into existance! And your one now!

Athena the Brave: Well, if I was married I sure wouldn't be cheating on him with Ares.

Heaphestus: Thank you!

Aphrodite the Pretty: At least I have a husband!

Athena the Brave: And yet you have no morals!

Aphrodite the Pretty: Excuse me!

Athena the Brave: Oh, sorry are you going to go 'see' Ares again?

Aphrodite the Pretty: Oh, it's on Owl Head!

Athena the Brave: Bring it beauty queen!

Poseidon the Awesome: Hey, Stolls, Hermes, Apollo, Hades, Zeus, Percy, Heaphestus, Dionysus, Chiron, Annabeth, Piper, you guys want to see this?

Apollo: Hades yes!

Hades: I'm not allowed on Olympus. :(

Zeus: Count me in and Hades get your butt up here!

Hades: :"D

Hermes: Comming!

Percy Jackson: Sure Zap me up there!

Heaphestus: I bet Athena is going to Kick Aphy's Butt!

Dionysus: I'll bring the popcorn!

Annabeth Chase: Oh, gods, no i'm staying down here where it's safe, Stolls take good video!

Travis Stoll: Got it Annie!

Connor Stoll: No prob Annie!

Annabeth Chase: I'm only going to let that slide because you are getting the video.

Piper McLean: I think it would be best if I stay down here. Safer that way.

Thalia Grace: The Hunters are coming!

Jason Grace: Count Frank, Hazel and I in!

Poseidon the Awesome: this is going to be awesome!
~everyone likes this~

Piper McLean: 4 days Percy...4 days.

Percy Jackson: K, but IDC right now I'm gonna see Athena Kick Aphrodite's Butt!!!!

Facebook (A Percy Jackson story) (Watty Award Winner 2013)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن