Facebook Chapter 61: back to basics

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OK, so I've noticed I've done a ton of stuff diffrent since I first started writing this story. So I've decided to go back to basics for this chapter. Tell me what you think at the end and let me know if I should keep going with the basics. Thanks, and enjoy :)

Annabeth updated her status~

OK, I know I have said this before, but since you didn't get it through your little pea brained heads I'll say it again: SHUT. THE.{Facebook has removed this word because of content}. UP!!!!!!!!!!! THREE A.M. IS NOT THE TIME FOR YOU ALL TO BE DOING THE LOUDEST STUFF OF THE DAY. IF YOU KEEP MAKING ALL THAT NOISE I WILL COME AND SLAUGHTER YOU ALL. THANK YOU, good night.


Percy Jackson: sorry Annabeth, won't happen again.

Travis Stoll: Oh come on Annie, if you don't let us make noise how will you know we are here?

Annabeth Chase: I don't want to know you are all here. I want to be in sleepy dream land!

Travis Stoll: wait for it

Annabeth Chase: WHEN DID YOU GET BACK! SON OF A {Facebook has removed this word becasue of content} ! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?! WE HAVE BEEN WORRIED SICK! HOW COULD YOU LEAVE LIKE THAT?!?! YOU LITTLE {Facebook has removed this word because of content} !

Thalia Grace: Well, your yelling over the computer woke me up, Annabeth.--joy the other stoll is back.

Travis Stoll: You know you missed me Thalia ;)

Thalia Grace: Yeah right.

Travis Stoll: Yep, you missed me ;)

Nico Di Angelo: You have better stop hitting on my girlfriend.

Travis Stoll: Or what, Death Breath?

Nico Di Angelo: Or you'll be taking a quick trip into the deepest pit of Hades.

Travis Stoll: Okay, okay I'll lay off your girlfriend ;)

Nico Di Angelo: Uh-un no winky face

Travis Stoll: OKay ;)

Nico Di Angelo: Grrrrrrrrrrrrr -_-

Leo Valdez: Hey look its a...wait for it...

Nico Di Angelo: Don't even start Leo.

Leo updated his status~



Nico Di Angelo: I told y'all that we shouldn't let him watch how I met your mother. But NOOOOOO no one ever listens to Nico. 

Annabeth Chase: Oh my {Facebook has removed this word for content} gods! SHUT UP! I can't sleep with my computer dinging ever three seconds!

Katie Gardner updated her status~

Travis!!!!!!!!!!!! You're back!!!! :D


Travis Stoll: Katie I've missed you so much

Katie Gardner: Where the Hades have you {Facebook has removed this word for content} been?!?!?! Connor and I have been so worried, and did you respond to the Iris Messages? NO! You made no effort to contact us and left us wondering if you were alive or dead! How could you, you, you, {Facebook has removed the following phrase because of content} (||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||)

Travis Stoll: 0_0 how did you learn all those words Katie?

Katie Gardner: How about you start answering qusetions.

Travis Stoll: I'm sorry, I can't tell you where I've been, I wasn't allowed to answer IM's and I sent you guys a letter, and I didn't want to I had too...

Katie Gardner: Well, until you give me some information, I'm not speaking to you.

Travis Stoll: Oh, come on Katie!

~Katie Gardner has logged off~

Lilmonkey13 has updated her status~

So that's the end of the chapter don't forget to tell me what you think thanks guys :)

Facebook (A Percy Jackson story) (Watty Award Winner 2013)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora