Chapter 99: I got 99 problems and a....

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Nico Di Angelo updated his status~

If you haven't got a problem I can lend you some, I've got 99 problems and a...


Frank Zhang: And a what?


Frank Zhang: How do you know what it ends with?

Hazel Levesque: Because he said that his faviorite song was 99 problems, and being person I am I looked it up. IT HAS FOUL LANGUAGE!

Nico Di Angelo: -_- it's one word!

Hazel Levesque: It is an ugly word against women and I'm not going to let you use it!

Frank Zhang: Hmm, I just listened to it...catchy tone...

Nico Di Angelo: I KNOW RIGHT!

Lou Ellen: I have one hack left ;)

Percy Jackson: I love that song!

Nico Di Angelo: O-O

Annabeth Chase: Percy you aren't allowed to sing that song ever!

Percy Jackson: *dressed as cookie monster* I got 99 cookies cuz a .... ate one!

Annabeth Chase: -_-" really pushing it Percy -_-" really pushing it

Jason Grace: What song is it?


Jason Grace: OK then, now I'm deffenitly looking it up!

Piper McLean: -_-"

Jason Grace: I found a song that basically presonifys Percy and Annabeth's relationship!

Annabeth Chase: What?

Jason Grace: Please don't leave me by P!NK

Annabeth Chase: ????

Percy Jackson: How does that even pertain to me and Annabeth?!

Jason Grace: That's what would happen if you ever tried to leave Annabeth Percy, you have been warned.

Percy Jackson: No I think that pertains more to your sister and my cousin

Jason Grace: Yeah except I wouldn't let him live to see the second Please don't leave me.

Percy Jackson: Honestly? I think Artemiss and Zeus would beat you to it.

Nico Di Angelo: Yeah I would say that would probably happen....

Thalia Grace: Except you would be the one beging me please don't leave me and being all staker like and I would set up those traps to kill you and get you away from me.

Nico Di Angelo: O.o well then!

Jason Grace: Yeah dude, if you ever broke her heart this is what would happen: One Goddess, One king of the Gods, about 30 hunters, Annabeth (with chainsaws) and me. So yeah she either dumps you or you die. Got it?

Nico Di Angelo: And if she breaks my heart?

Percy Jackson: I'll give you a pillow

Nico Di Angelo: For what?!

Percy Jackson: to well...cry in?

Nico Di Angelo: Thanks -_-

Percy Jackson: Welcome!

Leo Valdez: Hey! I meet a cool girl! :3

Percy Jackson: Cool so what did she throw at you?

Jason Grace: I take the beet of roten fruit!

Travis Stoll: I'll say a purse!

Percy Jackson: Okay what was it!

Leo Valdez: NEITHER!

Percy Jackson: Okay, so I get you guys money hand it over!

Leo Valdez: She threw a rock at me...:(

Percy Jackson: Okay for a second bet why?

Travis Stoll: You were talking to her!

Jason Grace: You caught on fire! That's it right?!

Leo Valdez: Um, yeah I caught fire in History class...and she threw a rock at me for sindging her hair...

Jason Grace: YES! Pay the man Travis!

lilmonkey13 updated her status~

Hey well, I wanted to say "See you guys in a week!"

Yeah I have to go to bed now, its 9:00 and I have to get up early tomorrow for school (UGHHHHH) cuz I'm there for 12 hours (UGHHHHHHHHHHx2) and so I bid you fairwell. And don't forget to laugh while I'm gone!
And if you are in the mood to be kind of sad and heart warmed, read: A Series of Failed Girlfriends: A Leo Valdez Story
Oh and if you want to be kinda creeped out, read: The Thing on my Back both are by me and can be found on my profile! Thanks for reading, I'll check the comments on wendsday!



Percy Jackson: WHOOO! We can do whatever we want for six days!!!!!!!

Chiron: No you can come to class every day like you're supposed to!

Leo Valdez: 12 hours of school?! What are you an Athena kid?!

Annabeth Chase: An Athena kid wouldn't want to be at public school for 12 hours

Leo Valdez: And does that say a story about my failed attempts at getting girlfriends!?! THOSE WERE PRIVATE! YOU SAID YOU WOULDN'T BE PUBLISHING THOSE!!!!!!!!!!!

Percy Jackson: Well, well, well I'll just HAVE to go and see those then!

~Percy Jackson has logged off~

Clarisse La Rue: The thing on my back? That doesn't even sound scary!

Percy Jackson: Trust me it is...especially her explination in the comments....O.O


Nico Di Angelo: Well isn't someone an Annabeth copy cat!

Annabeth Chase: Nico do we need to have a quick talk?

Nico Di Angelo: NO MA'AM!

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