Chapter 72

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I've been updating like a fend today....dang this will be, that's a new personal best of me....

Leo posted a video to Nico Di Angelo's wall~

Dumb Ways to die


Nico Di Angelo: Now why did you post this to my wall?

Leo Valdez: Because, you are a bro, and when a bro finds something funny he shows it to his other bros

Nico Di Angelo: and?

Leo Valdez: are DEATH BREATH! So you must see this funny video about dumb ways to die now watch!

Annabeth Chase: Hehe, I've seen this before but it's still funny X)

Hades: I've had everyone of those people actually come into Hades. They were all idiots.

Nico Di Angelo: LOL, I think I saw the moose

Hazel Levesque: -_-" People seem to become worse as technical innovations increase, the sub standard as highly decreased since I died. And as I watch this video I have to say that this just proves my point.

Leo Valdez: hehe, look that one was Parana bate

In New York suburbs

I turn around and see two boys standing in the kitchen taking the cookie tray, "What the Di Angelo?!" I say out of habit. The smaller of the two boys looks at me, smiles, then disappears. I realize that the boy was Nico. Travis, Connor, Chris, mom and Paul turn and look at me; I point to where the boys had just been and they stare at me more confused than ever.

"Nico and someone else just stoll the cookies." I say turning my head back to the television. I hear my mom go around the large kitchen looking for the tray of cookies she had JUST taken out of the oven.

"What happened to the cookies?!" She finally asks after about ten minutes of searching.

"Nico and a blond boy took them." I state again.

"Sally, it's true. I thought I was just hallucinating from lack of sleep but I saw two boys take the cookie tray..." Paul says tiredly, "I'm sorry I really really need some sleep. I'm going to put the baby down and then go take a nap."

Mom nods, Paul gives her a peck on the cheek then heads up stairs with my new baby sister.

The four of us continue to watch the TV mindlessly till I finally have to ask them something.

"Why didn't you guys go home?"

"You know Connor and me don't have any where to go." Travis quickly says.

"I didn't want to leave them here alone, so I stayed with them." Chris says before I can ask my next question.

"Why didn't you go with Katie, or go to Chris's house or if Clarisse would have been nice enough, why didn't you go there?" I ask the three of them.

"Katie has only an aunt in Maryland who has six kids already not including Katie's half brother's and sister's from her dad. Chris didn't want to go home either, and Clarisse would have murdered me and Connor." Travis takes a breath then says, "If you don't want us here just say so, we'll go."

"No, I didn't say that. I was just wondering." I say a bit sternly.

"I need some air," Travis states getting up from the couch and leaving the room.

Katie Gardner updated her status~

VAN PICK UP! Just hit MaryLand, hope everyone gets back alright!


Annabeth Chase: yeah we got picked up a few hours ago, driving across the country really should take a ton longer than this, I wonder what Chiron did to these vans

Piper McLean: IDK, but they are way more comfey than a school bus


Piper McLean: My feet stink because I've been having to kick your butt!

Leo Valdez: Oh shut up! Just take your feet off me!

Leo Valdez: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SHE STUCK HER TOE IN MY EYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Piper McLean: EWWWWWWWWWWWWW eye juice on my toe

Annabeth Chase: ....wat?

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