Chapter 64

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Percy Jackson updated his status~

Where is my bed?!


Leo Valdez: Where is my Xbox?

Percy Jackson: I DON'T FREAKING KNOW! NOW GIVE ME BACK MY BED!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Leo Valdez: You don't know where my Xbox is?--I don't know where your bed is.

Percy Jackson: That's insane! There is a complete differnce between the two, I can't sleep without my missing thing, you can!

Leo Valdez: Are you kiding?! I haven't slept since yesterday night!! I can't sleep without playing on my Xbox!!!!

Piper McLean updated her status~

Okay, this is crazy where are my feathers?!


Leo Valdez: What feathers?

Piper McLean: What do you mean 'what feathers?' I ALWAYS HAVE FEATHERS IN MY HAIR AND ALL OF THEM ARE GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Leo Valdez: And does this upset you?

Piper McLean: YES!

Leo Valdez: Well, they might come back if you return a certain string instroment that you are in possecien of.

Percy Jackson: Piper, he STOLE my BED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I win. He doesn't give your feathers back till I get my bed!

Leo Valdez: neither of you get anything until I get my guitar and/or Xbox.

Annabeth updated her status~

Okay, this isn't funny. Where is my laptop.


Percy Jackson: Ask leo.

Piper McLean: Leo probably stole it. Like my feathers...

Percy Jackson: and my BED!

Annabeth Chase: Percy there are other beds in your cabin.

Percy Jackson: No there isn't, Chiron took all the ones that weren't being used leaving a single bunk bed that me and Tyson share.

Annabeth Chase: Well, you can get another bed I CAN'T get another laptop like that!

Percy Jackson: Well, go after Leo!


Leo Valdez: Well, give me my books and Greek Fire and I will.

Annabeth Chase: Fine come and get them, we will exchange them. Now bring my laptop now!

Leo Valdez: The first to return my items hurra!

Travis Stoll updated his status~

Where. The. F. Is. The. F-ing. Toilet Paper!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

-Katie Gardner likes this-


Leo Valdez: Thanks Katie, and where are my spit ball shooters and balls?

Travis Stoll: I couldn't tell you Connor has them! And btw I'm stuck on the toilet!!!!!!!!!!!

Leo Valdez: TMI dude, TMI

Travis Stoll: Why would you steal the toilet paper!?!?!?!

Leo Valdez: B/c that would get my stuff back. Now where is Connor?

Connor Stoll: Underneath cabin 9

Leo Valdez: How did you get under there?!

Connor Stoll: The tunnel.

Leo Valdez: Give me my stuff and you can have the TP back.

Connor Stoll: Okay here ya go

Leo Valdez: Thx

Connor Stoll: NP, and btw don't steal a man's tp

Leo Valdez: It gets the job done.

Connor Stoll: No kidding

Jason Grace updated his status~

Okay this is reducuals, where in the name of Pluto is my toga?!


Leo Valdez:  IDK, where is my playstation?

Jason Grace: wow, really Leo? I would think that you would be better than this.

Leo Valdez; Yes but I'm not.

Jason Grace: -_-" come and get your PS and bring my togas.

Leo Valdez; Ok, thanks dude :)

Abigail Gaffney updated her status~

We can stay forever younge, here is for never growing up!

-Annabeth Chase, Thalia Grace, and Rachel Dare like this-


Annabeth Chase: Singing radio head at the top of our lungs with boom box blazing while were falling in love

Thalia Grace: With a bottle of whatever but it's getting us drunk

Rachel Dare: singing to here is to never growing up!

Abigail Gaffney: We'll be running down the street yelling kiss my a$$ yeah whatever we're still living like that

Annabeth Chase: When the sun goes down we'll be raising our cups saying here's to never growing up!

Thalia Grace: I love that song!

Rachel Dare: Best. Song. Ever.

Abigail Gaffney: Let me just say you guys are like the coolest people at camp!

Annabeth Chase; You're very sweet.

Abigail Gaffney: I started two weeks ago and my god all my sister could say was how amazingly awesome you guys are! I have to say that you are even cooler than she said, and my gods I sound like a crazy stalker person don't I?--I'm sorry!

Annabeth chase: You're cool dude.

Thalia Grace: Glad to have some cool newbees

Rachel Dare: who is your cousin?

Abigail Gaffney: Thanks, and Piper McLean :)

Piper McLean: Yay! Your here, why haven't I seen you around? Who is your godly parent anyway?!

Abigail Gaffney: Well, I still haven't been I don't know 

Piper McLean:  That's weird, usually they find out quicker than this...

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