Chapter 104

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Hey guys I just wanted to tell you all some awesome news! When you look up Percy Jackson in the discover bar the first story that comes up is....THIS ONE!!!!!!!!!! I found this last week and just jumped literally for joy! It's also the third Facebook story! So yeah, I'm extremely happy! :DDDDDD Hope you guys are still enjoying and sorry about the long podex wait. Still awesome new item to find out! And when they open the Watty Awards I hope to put this story in the running, I know it doesn't have as many reads as some but it would be awesome if I won! Thanks for being awesome again!


Nico Di Angelo updated his status~

All hail Chef Percy!


Annabeth Chase: Okay, I have to ask; WTD are you talking about?

Nico Di Angelo: He is Chef and ruler of us all!

Thalia Grace: Mhm, well looks like someone is getting electrocuted.

Nico Di Angelo: Thals you know you're my queen ;)

-Thalia Grace has logged off-

Nico Di Angelo:  Crap.

Hazel Levesque: LANGUAGE!

Frank Zhang: lol

Percy Jackson: Nico [1] wtd???? [2] you are gonna die by the hands of Thalia Grace [3] HAHA you just got told by your little sister!

Annabeth Chase: Yeah Nico, you better do something nice or I'll come and kill you, got it? Good.

Jason Grace: *clears throat* And me

Artemis: And I

Zeus: Count me in! What are we doing?

Artemis: Killing the Hades scum

Hades: HEY!


Hades: -_-"

Zeus: What?

Hades: How would you feel if I called your kids Zeus Scum?


Hades: And it isn't when you call my kids scum?

Zeus: It's okay if I do. I'm king.

Athena: Artie?

Artemis: Yes?

Athena: Good job lil sis :)

Artemis: Thanks! :D

Percy Jackson: ^Dafuq?



Percy Jackson: YEAH!

Percy Jackson updated his status~

Pie, Cake, or Cookies? 


Nico Di Angelo: CUKIES! 

Frank Zhang: Pie, Cherry to be exact

Leo Valdez: I like Cookie Cakes...

Katie Gardner: CAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Travis Stoll: Cake.

Conner Stoll: Yay! Frank: Pie, Cherry to be exact: THAT'S MY FAVORITE TYPE OF PIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Frank Zhang: *high five Conner*

Annabeth Chase: Cakes with Pie fillings and Cookies crumbled on top.

Praetor Reyna: Cake, with chocolate sprinkles.

Hazel Levesque: I like fudge...

Jason Grace: Apple pie with Vanilla ice cream and whip cream on top. Yum :)

Leo Valdez: ^Jase that's like the stereotypical all American food....and you're a blond guy with blue eyes...and really strong and handsome....WTD how are you the literal stereotypical American teenage boy?????????

Annabeth Chase: Leo that's like really accurately describing him...

Piper McLean: o_O I am dating the like the photo copy image of an 'all american boy' aren't I

Thalia Grace: just a bit Pipes just a bit...

Jason Grace: I"m not a stereotypical american boy!

Thalia Grace: yes you are bro

Grover Underwood: Dude you're like the perfect grandson to old people.

Percy Jackson: He's not that great.

Jason Grace: ^mean

Percy Jackson: >.<

Hazel Levesque: Sorry Perce he's got you beat :/

Percy Jackson: MEAN PEOPLE!

Facebook (A Percy Jackson story) (Watty Award Winner 2013)Where stories live. Discover now