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 Rimuru POV:

Testarossa is currently standing in front of me and asking the question about why I have given them the royalty accommodation. When their world is lower compared to us in every aspect. Well, she isn't wrong but she has to understand even though they aren't any capital benefits right now. That wouldn't be the case a next few years from now as Tempest has also progressed from ground zero and now stands at the top of the world in the cardinal world. I also know that giving them the card to shop can turn out to be a grave mistake as it could potentially put a dent in the resources of Tempest if they got overboard on their shopping but I have the feeling that won't be happening at least Ciel thinks so.

Rimuru: It's not a question of whether I want to give them a royal accommodation in this completely new world or not. It's a good thing as Tempest is not only a capitalist, It's also a socialist country. What you are saying is completely true, that's why what we are doing is a show of power, so we can get the upper hand in the negotiations. As we are a country of higher level technology than them we should at least show them who is the boss here right?

Testarossa: So, you have thought of everything my lord?

Diablo: fufufufu, you are still greatly underestimating the talent of our lord Testarossa.

What the hell is this idiot talking about? Testa asked the obvious question. I just have to prepare for the meeting that takes place tomorrow. For that, I have to gather as much information on them as possible.

Rimuru: Well they would know my move if they have even a single person in the group who is smart and knows how politics and diplomacy work. That person will be hard to deal with but nothing we can't handle.

Knock, Knock, Knock

Just as I was taking there was a knock on the door. My universal senses are telling me that it's Shuna. God please no more paperwork I can't handle any more. That's when Ciel said in my head that

<you are god master>, well I can't win an argument against her but she is right. I reluctantly let Shuna in and was relieved that its not any more paperwork. That's when she told me the reason for her visit.

Shuna: Souie has returned from the mission of escorting the other worlders and asking for an audience from you my lord.

Rimuru: ah about the time he returned. Tell him to come in.

Shuna: Yes

Just as Shuna left Souei entered kneeling and waiting for the next orders. From the perspective of the people who came from the other side, he was there to escort them but in reality he was on an information-gathering and recon mission. By making clones he could gather as much information as we need for Tomorrow's meeting.

Rimuru: So Souie, what have you gathered?

Souei: My lord from what I have gathered there are a total of five big nations on the other side of the gate and each of them calls itself an elemental nation based on five major elements fire, water, lightning, wind and earth. 

Each of the major nations has its own leader called Daimyo and each has its own ninja village that is led by a kage

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Each of the major nations has its own leader called Daimyo and each has its own ninja village that is led by a kage. These kages are said to be strongest in their own village. These villages train the children of the village to make them the future ninja for espionage, assassination, escorting etc.

Rimuru: Wait a minute, Did you say children how old are they? when they are trained to be a ninja?

Souei: At the age of 7 they enter the academy and at the age of 12 they graduate from the academy. During that time they learn everything that is necessary for them to be a ninja and be able to survive in the real world. There has been a total of four great ninja wars In their world. Which has taken the lives of thousands. These wars are equivalent to your former world's world war.

Testarossa: So are they so strong that they can cause a world war?

Souei: Its not that they can or can not as it won't affect us as their strongest soldier is comparable to a large planet at his full power and after using that much power. He won't be able to use it again. Besides that, it seems that they had the fourth war 2 years ago and are at peace as they have made a grand alliance to defeat the enemy in that war. They are together researching to make the technological revolution but now they are only medieval just like how we started.

So they are weak, but by their standards, it must be absolute power to be able to destroy the whole planet. As they are ninjas, they shouldn't have many people researching science and technology. The information that Souei has gathered is extremely crucial. I can imagine the lack of jobs so they resort to children becoming ninjas. This kind of mindset is narrow and won't get them anywhere if they don't believe In change. I can only hope that tomorrow's meeting be peaceful.........................for them.


Naruto POV:

I am so excited as they have given us the cards to do the shopping and get a tour of the city. The mansion is so beautiful so I am only dreaming of what would come next when I was excited there Shiwere few people who were not as much because of the tension I forgot my initial mood and asked them what happened

Naruto: What happened Kakashi-Sensei?

Just as I asked Garra and others entered the mansion guided by the maids with serious expressions on their faces. I don't know but can guess that it is something of great importance. When they sit down and be comfortable the discussion started.

Shikamaru: Man, whoever their leader is a genius in politics. He had us in a trap without us knowing.

I was confused about what he was talking about as I was learning politics I am still new to the subject and don't have that much experience in it. So I couldn't help but ask.

Naruto: What are you talking about?

Shikamaru: Man, I completely forgot Naruto's with us.

I was a little annoyed by the comment by Shikamaru but didn't care as it isn't time to lose your mind in those situations. Fortunately, Garra came to my rescue and explain the situation.

Garra: What he meant by that statement is that: The leader of this nation is displaying his power by sending their capable soldier who are good at stealth and combat to intimidate us as well as giving us this luxurious mansion and card which would cost tons to show his financial might to the others. He is using the mansion as a tool which we can't afford right now. Pretty cheap but an effective technique. Guess I should applaud them for playing well.

I now understand what they are trying to say and they are totally right in this statement. After a few more discussions on what would happen in tomorrow's meeting and an overview of everything we started moving to the exploration this grand city as there isn't anything we could do about the mansion and their strength



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