Chapter 11

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Author: First of all I am sorry for not updating and yes I have been thinking of the continuation of this story. And theres 3 continuations so yours to choose if you comment. Wait but I don't want to spoil it to much  so ill give you a taste of the 3 even though my best-friend already knows one cause she created it credits to her. Ill put her name here when I get internet back.
Either way I was having a much relaxing vacation but it obviously had to end. So I am sorry for not updating but if I have time ill upload around 2 per day this week to make it up.  By the way I just realized some of my cousins I have there also love PJO and one even acts like Percy well both yet they still fight for who should be consider Percy one even has his age.  Even though they joke around saying the other is Tyson or another PJO character.

Is this story ending?

Back to story............
Oh no! They came my wise girl wasn't being that wise wait she was she hasn't made the Argo land so thats a good signal perfect all my body started hurting.  And my breathing it's getting heavier. Breathing was killing me? Thats weird when something that makes you live is killing you.  Either way my body started letting me down  part of me just wanted to give up sit on the rock and wait for the end. And then I realized if I die the world dies. Haha you don't know how much I love carrying the world and Olympus on my shoulders for the second time in my short lived life.  Yes it is humor wait now analyzing why am I talking to myself. Yeah I am sure I am going crazy wait those aren't new news. I am crazy I need to ask my mom if I have been crazy since the day I was born.

*Arrow was shot in the direction of Percy*

Ahhhhh! I dodged but I felt how the arrow had still made an impact on my right shoulder. It had poison and it started spreading. I barely had gained consciousness of my surroundings when another arrow was show this time I wasn't so lucky the arrow had penetrated through my weak spot or Achilles spot but   luckily it wasn't killing me since I washed on the river that removed it. Even though if I had it one I will be dead but I wouldn't have had these scars that made me receive it in the first place.

When I looked back I saw Zoe Nightshade at-least I thought but when I had a better glance I noticed how it probably was one of her sister since their hairs weren't the same. But while I was analyzing her she shot another arrow this time my reflexes finally came in and I caught  it with my bare hand.  I knew I was no match for her right now
1. I was injured on my right arm which meant I could only fight with one hand.

2. She had a bow and I had a sword she wouldn't be dumb enough to get near.

3. My mind was playing tricks and it looked like Zoe was the one shooting at me.

4. My fatal flaw was excessive loyalty and I wouldn't be able to fight her since Zoe was my friend and I can give the world to just save a friend so I would definitely would bot be able to fight against Zoe even if it wasn't her.

5. I had limited time and she didn't she had a mask covering her from breathing this poisonous air.

So guess what instead of battling her I ran.

I ran for the sake of the world.

I ran for Annabeth.

I ran to see my mom again.

I ran to not see Annabeth cry on my

I ran for my friends.

I ran for my father and for Tyson.

I ran for the sake of life.

Arrows flew all pointing at me. I knew I would probably not make it alive partly because I didn't have the strength to block them and ran so either I fought to extend my living time which will only be for a few minutes before I die from the air or I ran knowing that I will die but I'll se Annabeth one last time. This was a easy decision because I'd rather live less and see Annabeth one last time before closing my eyes forever.  

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