Chapter 15

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First of all I was really ashamed that I had fainted and they had to get Will to wake me up leaving alone Percy. Right I still have to tell Annabeth.

Annabeth...... I need to tell you something its about Percy it's good yet bad. Can you hear me out you too guys.

We all started walking to the dinner room which luckily was only a little away from Percy's room so we could still check on him.

So what do you wanted to tell us? Leo said.

Are we finally going to kick Gaea's head off? Coach Hedge asked which much enthusiasm.

No to be true Percy is the one that must. I said

Annabeth looked over to my direction as long as everybody else. What do you mean, she said.

Well either choice you make Percy will never be Percy again but....... I said

What you are suggesting he can survive? she asked

Well not really look I don't know what's going on but Aphrodite told me that Percy has to save itself and if he doesn't you'll have to kill him yet Olympus will not raise again............

I will never kill him he will survive! She screamed she had been tensed these days we pretty much knew why she had dark circles around her eyes for not sleeping at all these days.

He will Annabeth isn't Percy's fatal flaw loyalty as much as he dislikes it he will save Olympus again. I said hugging her, But you young lady need to rest. J used charm speak on that last part and she immediately fell asleep Frank carried her to her room.

I went to see Jason.

Jason why are you behaving like this. I said yeah I know what he is been doing but he didn't act like this before.

So we all depend on Percy again great you have a son of Jupiter here there's no need to put all your life in some son of Poseidon.  He said

Jason your jealousy has gone too far he hasn't done anything bad. Be has saved us multiple times and tell me would you even want to be on his place that poor guy has gone through how many prophecies and quest.  He could risk his life each day just to save any of us yet you still sit here and just hate everything he does. Jason please be yourself and help us half the ship is destroyed and you don't do nothing more than break it apart more..... Percy is in a coma while internally fighting for his life and the rise of Olympus our life while you only sit here without helping no one.  I said J am pretty sure I knocked some sense inti him cause I could see the expression of guilt he had.

I untied him so he could be free to wonder around the ship. Since he can't possibility break us more can he?

At 2:30 am I snuck out of my to go check on Percy. I don't know what he is fighting or if he even is going to make it out alive but I just feel guilty I don't know why but I feel that if I had turned back and looked around before leaving I might have seen Percy being kidnapped yet I didn't and now all of this happened.

I saw how the heart machine showed slow but constant heartbeats even though it's not really a great one but hey at least he is alive. The nectar isn't doing much yes it did cure small wounds but the large ones were still there.  Not even water cured him and thats a big thing to say I am starting to think no Hazel that's a dum thought well again he is Percy Jackson be is known for not being easy to kill.....

Ahhhh! I felt a hand placed on my shoulder.

When I turned back I saw Frank.

You are also worried about him aren't you? He said

I nodded

I don't know but I feel like the answer is right in-front of us yet we can't see it.? He said

Answer to what? I asked sitting down at his side on the edge of the stairs leading to the stables.

To help Percy defeat whatever he id fighting... He said

Well I had an idea but it's not possible. ai said looking down

Hazel we are talking of Percy that guy can do mostly everything! He exclaimed

You are right, I said

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