7. To have and to hold

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Gulf's pov

Today is the day i have been waiting.
Today am going to get married with the person i loved from childhood.
Yes mew is the love of my life. I have loved him from i don't know when!!
But i always used to like him. when my dad giving him secret training i used to cry for go there with dad saying i want to learn too but in reality all i want that time was to see him and being in his surround. I was the one who force my dad to put him in my bodyguards so that i can be near him all the time. I always wanted to know what i feel like this towards him but as i grows up i started understanding that its nothing but love. That i fell for him even before i know about it. That's why when they ask me for marriage i agreed without any second thought.

Ohhk lets get back to my wedding....
Finally Today my love going to be my lifetime. I blushed with the thought.

I was getting ready when my parents enter in my room.
"Gulf son are you ready?!?"
"Yes dad am ready"
When i turn they both just look at me with some unknown emotions which i can't figure out.
"I feel its just yeasterday when he born when we took him to temple for the first time its like yeasterday when he had his first step he said his first word. Its feel like its just yeasterday when my baby used to run in whole palace with his tiny foot and i need to run behind him to catch him. Its feel like its just yeasterday when he was little baby but look at him today getting married." My mom says with teary-eyed. "My baby is grown up now" she smile at me as tears flows from her eyes. My dad too have tears in his eye which he is trying to hide. Seeing them like this makes me cry also and i hug them tightly. I dont want leave them here.

"Come on son we need to go they are waiting for us" my dad says after sometime. Breaking our hugg i wiped my eyes as mom fixed my wedding dress. While leaving i look back at my chamber. This the place where i go when i was tired sad or happy. This room witnessed my alots of emotions. This room know me better than anyone. I'll miss my chamber.
Having a one last look of my chamber i step out of the chamber before closeing the door.

I am about walking down the aisle. My heart beat is fast and am very nervous. From nowon my whole life will change. My home my name my title my way of living EVERYTHING. From today I'll not be known as prince gulf. From now i need to be responsible i cannot be a bubbly and naughty boy anymore.
Thinking all this i sigh and grab by dad's arm and started walking down on the aisle. As music is playing in background while am walking.
As i walk i saw many of our and mew's relatives. And there i saw our little princess milly she smile at me and i smile back.she is so cute. I love her so much.
Our wedding is held in my kingdom. So the palace is decorated with white flowers. Actually white is the theme of our wedding.

As get close to the stage i saw mew and priest waiting

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As get close to the stage i saw mew and priest waiting. Mew is looking really good in that white dress. He is looking like a prince charming which he is already lol.

Reaching to stage my dad handover my hand to mew before saying "from now on am giving pieces of my heart to you. Please take care of him" mew smile and nodded at him before taking my hand in his. His hands are very cold.

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