26.A Talk

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Mew's pov

I woke up in middle of night looking at my left I saw gulf is sleeping. He is Angelic I never really notice it but he is very beautiful. Adjusting blanket on him i get out of bed and then out of his chamber.

Getting out I move towards backwards. As I go i heard something from kichan going there I saw all servant are waiting outside. They bow at me when they saw me i just nodded before going to see who is inside.

"Queen sia" what she is doing in middle on night here in kichan.

"Ohh mew what are you doing here??" She ask me

"That should be mine question" i says

"Ohh am here for doing some last minute preparation for breakfast. So why are you here??"

"I wasn't able to sleep" I says and she stop whatervr she is doing and look at me.

"Rima can you please keep things in their places??" She ask the kichan head.

"Yes my queen"rima says

"Come mew" she says and I follow her

"You know what gulf always love the breakfast prepared by me. He will literally eat everything which is prepared by me. No matter if its his favorite or not. He'll eat it and said mama you're the best cook in the world let me kiss you hands" queen sia said with a chuckle while walking.

We reached to the backward of palace and queen sia ask guards to go.

"Mew I know something is off with you both. I can feel it. You can share it with me" she says and I look at her in shocked.

"Umm no-ah it-ss not lik-e that" I says.

"Mew son look at me. I might not be your real mother but i rise you. I watch you grow. I know you and i know gulf too. So tell me what's wrong I'll might help" she says.

I sigh before talking "I don't deserve him. He is too nice. He the best and i am not even good. I always endup hurting him."

"Mew don't think so low of yourself. He might be proud to have you. No one is perfect son. You need to make yourself perfect." She says

"No i am not perfect. Actually I don't deserve anything. I broke his heart millions of times. I broke the promise i gave you and king kirin about his happiness. I broke mom's trust. I am not worth anything. I am so asha-med of my-self." My voice cracked.

There was long pause before...
"You know mew how me and kirin got married??" She ask and I rotated my neck as no.

"Our parents arrange our marriage. It was totally about the business. Kirin's dad mean my father in law wants to save the western border of Traipipattanapong by having relation with my kingdom. And my father wants a powerful kingdoms in his fever. So they decided to let their kids got married." She sigh before continuing

"Me and kirin was so not ok with it. I even fought with my father but he didn't listen it was king of forced marriage to me and after getting married also i used to give deadly glares to kirin" she chuckle.
"But he was so patient with me. And one day something happend and there were situation where he need to save from his life or mine that time he choose to save my life and thankfully he was also get saved but then when i ask him why did you do that he said 'you are my responsibility sia if anything happens to you I'll never be able to forgive myself' and my heart shake that time for him. I started falling for him and one day i confessed. But that time he ask me to prove my love and i was so made like love is not something we need to prove it need to feel but he said 'from the day we got married you were used to hate me now suddenly you came and says that you love me so I want confirmation that you real loves me or not i am not doubting your love i just dont want to get hurt' that time I know that he was in love with me from starting."

"I was also same i was ashamed for the i way i treated him back then but then he makes me realise that its never too late for anything. We can't change the past but we can make the present and future beautiful right!!so its better to think about how to sort things out rather than thinking about how things happened" she finished with smile.

All time while she was specking i was looking at her. Its like first time we are having heart to heart conversations. She is like my mother but still we never had this kind of conversation as i was never being in this situation either.

"What are you looking at??" she ask.

And i just smile before hugging her "thankyou so much maa. Its feels so good after talking with you" she hugs me back.

"You know son i like it when you call me 'maa' please call me this only" she says.

I come back to gulf's chamber to see he wasn't on bed before i ask guard if he went out i saw him coming from bath area.

"Mew where were you in the middle of night??"he come running to me.

"I was out for some fresh air" I says

I look at me. With kind of nervous,suspicious,worried eyes.

"Mew do you want to know what happened that night between us??" He ask and my eyes widened.

What should I say???OF COURSE I WANT TO KNOW.

Here it is guys!!
Are excited to know what happened that night?!?!
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