17. Injured man

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Gulf's pov

"How are you feeling baby?!" I ask milly as soon as I reached her chamber.

"I am ok brother in law just having little pain in the injury" she says.

"Ohh very good My baby is the strongest" i cheer her. And she giggle at my words.

Not too long when a guard came "Greeting my queen, princess" we nodded at him.

"My Queen we found a injured person near the back gate of the palace. And he seems suspicious" he says.

"Is king is not comeback yet??" I asked because mew said that he will out today.

"No my queen" he says.

"Ok you go I'll follow you" I says and stand up to leave.

"I also want to go" milly also stand up.

"Princess you stay here and take some rest" I said.

"No I'll go too" she said stubbornly.

I sigh and hold her hand to go.

When we go their eveyrone bow at us. Their was i a man lying their half unconscious and injured badly.

"Did you inquired who is he??" I ask the guard.

"We did queen but no one knows anything about him" one guard says.

"Brother in law i know him" Milly says suddenly.

"You know him??" I query. And she nodded

"He is the same guard who was with me yesterday. He is the one who push me and I got injured" she says.

"What is that person??" I ask and she nodded.

"It can be possible my queen he doesn't look local" guard says.

"Lock him behide the bar for now we will see what to do with him once king arrived" I order the guard and they take him.

As i we turn to go inside we heard mew's voice.
"What is happening here??" He ask while getting down from horse.

A guard tell him everything.

"Milly are you sure na that is same person??" He ask milly and she nodded then he turn towards.

"Where is he right now?!?" He ask me

"I ask them to lock him" I says.and he nodded. And went to meet him.

Hii guys finally I show up!!!!🤪😂
Actually i somehow forgot to write.
Sorry about it.
I'll try to update soon😗

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