Intro To Nothing

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Hey here's a few recommendations for how to read the story.

It won't make the story any worse if you don't follow these instructions, but it's part of the art I've created if you want to experience it fully.

When you see 🔊these🔇 (if you can) it just means to turn your volume on/off when playing the audio attached.

It is best to read this on dark mode or with the black background so that the pictures/drawings aren't off putting.

Alright that's about it for that.

Here's some mess about the MC a.k.a.

She's very lustful and very wreckless. Besides that she's pretty fun. You'll know when to take her seriously, don't fret.

Leave comments. I love feedback :)

Or just enjoy the dammed thing however you like.

See you in the end.


Luck in a Sense (Illumi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now