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Our concern wasn't about the NGL rules. We're sneaking in of course. It!s our expertise. It only helps that I've been here before.

More importantly, our concern was for the end of the night.

We admitted our love. We admitted our desires. But now,

We hid behind tall grass on a small rise near the tunnel for the hotel, watching barrels and wagons of illegal items being rolled into it.

We used our best zetsu and still dressed in our classical attire, watched for an opening.

At the same time, it revealed itself to us, an easy attack point, and with two hands I signaled now in sign language.

Without even a gust we were off with their heads.

The dirt tunnel spiraled down into a dark enclosure where special access was granted for an entree.

We forced our way in.

The floors of the hotel went up above and down below, we were on the center floor, the lobby.

"Meet me at the bottom, my love," I whispered in his ear as we walked into the lobby casually. Our clothing acted as disguises.

There were five floors below and three above, so he'd meet me for the last two or three battles for sure.

The most important floor will be the last anyhow.

We separated, flinging out our hostility. I began with the poor receptionist.

  I broke the elevator and it screeched down and crashed a little lower than the last floor. I swung down to the next floor, using the elevator shaft, kicking open the doors.

There were assassins everywhere and the fight was dangerous, but nothing I couldn't withstand.

My ability is called Tetro. I release a poisonous gas called tetrodotoxin. It paralyzes the victim but leaves them fully conscious. Their lungs are stalled as well making their death slow and painful by asphyxiation.

It's cruel but clean.

For a long while, that's how I felt. Unable to move, yet still watching everything happen around me... no control. It's only fitting.

I cleared the first and second rooms this way, keeping my poison away from the elevator shaft in case Illumi came down.

The third floor down he joined me.

We floated around the room, keeping it clean. Guns were drawn and weapons of every sort were used against us, but without coordination like ours, they couldn't win.

I can admit to the challenge, and sort of... enjoyed it. The fight lasted 28 minutes until we reached the final floor.

"Oh, Simon!" Some lady moaned through a black door.

The only room on this floor. Half of this floor was a large room, reserved for the head of this operation, the other half like a second lobby or waiting room.

  Black carpet. Red walls with golden and black designs spiraled and wrapped on the walls where frames of French paintings hung. Corners with antique furniture. A fish tank.

I knocked politely on the door.

Illumi let me have control, knowing the situation.

"Hello in there!" I smiled so they could hear it in my voice.

Simon, I assume, swung open the door with the lovely lady on his neck. Dead Man's son.

"Hey!" She protested with a giggle.

I saw everything. Ugh. Doesn't he shave?

"You!" He recognized me, throwing his mate to the side. She crawled back to him, foolishly seeing protection in him.

"I'm not sure who directly killed my parents, but it would take someone on his high horse like you or your dead father to order such a thing,"

Simon was Harold Shining's son. The killer of my family by command.

Simon was a spoiled brat who took his privileged life for granted. A weak, pathetic thing.

"You'll die a fate worse than death," I promised.

I pierced my fingers up into the bottom of his jaw, and through his tongue, then pulled his bloody fucking mouth open.

"AHGhghHagGHh," he gurgled, grabbing my wrist for mercy.

I blew my poison into his mouth, creating the compounds in my nen that would keep him conscious but frozen as I ripped him apart. Like his father did my own.

"I hate you, and all that you stand for you son of a bitch."

I wiped my bloody fingers on his girlfriend's neck as I crushed it as he watched silently, hopelessly. Whether or not she was important to him he would watch as I killed her.

In the end, I threw her to the bottom of the shaft where the broken elevator had fallen.

I then ripped away his arms and legs, reveling in the feeling of his muscles pulling apart and the sound of his joints popping—dislocating from his body.

  I threw the limbs to the bottom of the shaft. As he bled out I grabbed him by the neck and held him out into the shaft, facing me. I tossed him high, to the highest floor

He helplessly watched the rooms full of bodies ascend, and then descend as he fell to his death.

Revenge felt... final at this moment. I thought of my mother and father as I spat down on Simon Shining's bloody remains.

  There was only one thing left of this mission.

I turned to Illumi.


Luck in a Sense (Illumi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now