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In the morning our journey to the next five locations took us four days, this time there were no outdated locations.

Most of the locations I knew of the A.A.A. Were Recovery Stations, but I was saving the best for last. The largest operation.

I watched him skillfully at my side. Graceful. Beautiful.

I lost my step, but I quickly recovered.

"Focus," he warned. As if the underground A.A.A. Location we were currently raiding required focus.

"I'm sorry," I said, nonetheless.


At the end of the mission, we went back to the hotel. It took three days to get back, three days for me to fall deeper for him.

  My heart was sure. Bound. Full. I loved the feeling.

  I love him.

"I never told you to stop holding me..." I grabbed onto his strong arm and kissed him gently on his shoulder. It made my heart pound and my lungs pump as if I were training stamina... as a kid of course, (it's not easy for me to lose my breath anymore) I'm not pathetic.

That was half of the locations already. I could only ask two more things of him.

Now that I clung to him, we showered together. We ate together. We breathed together. We had become an unstoppable duo in these past two weeks. We trained by simply staying close.

Something was new about him though. He looked at me longer. He responded with more words.

  He began to ask questions.

"You worked for the A.A.A. What did you do?" He wondered to my ear as we lie in the dark on the bed, entangled.

I readied myself to give him the tragedy, "The day after my parents were killed by the association, the 'Cleaning Crew' came to clean the mess," I sighed the words into his chest, inhaling his scent of hotel body soap.

"Cleaning Crew?"

"The official name is A.A.A. Recovery. They clean up killings for the association. Anyway, this is where I worked. I was abducted by a worker who found me. I guess you could say he recruited me," I kissed his collar, how I do. "I was ten,"


Illumi knew that I loved him deeply by now. I traced his muscles and cuddled close as to not flinch at the story I was telling, although the pain was still present, a sword was pricking its nose.

"He took me to his home where two other men stayed. They were poor and constantly looking for work. They realized my power and forced me into assassin work. I hadn't known my parents were assassins at first, and that my training by them was for me to inherit that occupation," I explained. What stopped the flow of the story was his sensual exhale.

My fingers had traced too low on his abdomen. His hips shifted a bit.

  I brought my hand back up to his chest. I had that respect for him now.


"Once it was realized that I could be good at assassin work, they offered me to the A.A.A. And for three years I did work for them," our bodies have been so close and my high began. I was urged to have my way with him or to beg for him. I resisted with a deep sigh.

"The men I sojourned with quit their jobs and relied on my income. They treated me harshly and Missy," I couldn't help but cringe at the name, " he was the one who touched me the most, but the abuse came from them all."

Illumi shifted a bit, uncomfortable.

"Don't worry, this is the end of it," I promised, assuming he was bored.

"Go on," he assured.

"Missy assaulted me sexually, but the other two only struck me. I killed them all when I had my first period, thinking I was raped again because of the blood. I quit the association and began my own career of assassin work. I endured those men for five years."

I listened to him breathe for many minutes, allowing the pain to tear through me, and the tears to swell. I knew now that it would go away if I let myself feel it now. I had Illumi to fight it for me.

I'd given him everything now.

He spoke my name, breaking the silence.

"Illumi," I returned, looking up at him although he was almost invisible in the night.

In a most blissful moment, his arms wrapped around me, on his own accord, and he tugged me onto his chest, and twisted the lamp light aglow.

His face was close and the strength it took not to kiss him was more than I had, but he began to speak while my veins pounded with want.

"What is your next request?" His eyes showed nothing and if it weren't crazy to kiss an eye, I'd kiss them.

"I haven't thought of it," I exhaled. I didn't want to rush this...

"Think..." he urged. He seemed... desperate?

"Illumi, is there something you want?"

He stared for a moment. Hesitant.

"Illumi," I encouraged.

"Teach me how you..." for the first time he was lost for words. He was looking in my eyes with such curiosity. He was looking at my sadness.

"Feel?" I could only guess.

He nodded.

"How do you feel?" He wondered. The same thing I've always asked him.


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