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chp. 6

A week had passed already, Yeji felt absolutely drained from all the interactions with the purple-haired Shin.

She knew that a lot of people from her school would kill to be in her spot, but she begged to differ.

The girl was annoying, that was only an understatement. The way Ryujin loved to drag Yeji anywhere she wanted to go without warning, the smooth tongue she had that could cause girls' heart attacks, her need to strike a conversation if it went silent for too long, the way she always waited outside her class right when the bell rang just so they could visit the library or have lunch together. And lastly, those annoying whisker dimples.

Yeji hated it.

Kind of.

One night, as Yeji was doing her nightly routine, preparing herself for bed, her phone had rung.

It was a rare occurrence, as her phone was always dry due to her lack of friends and social media presence. Therefore, she slowly walked to her phone with confusion, but sighed out of relief once she read the caller ID.

"Jimin? Why are you calling?" She said into the phone, putting it on speaker before walking back into the bathroom.

"Hi! Can you accompany me to somewhere?"

"...Right now?" Yeji took a glance at the time. "It's nine, Jiminie."

"It's um... It's for my mental health! I'll even pick you up... please?"

This late? What could she possibly be doing for her mental health? Meditating?

"It's too late, I'd get in trouble if my parents find out that I'm out." Yeji answered as she brushed her teeth, her mouth beginning to foam with toothpaste.

"I will sneak you out then, I know your address."

"...Is it really that important?" Yeji mumbled. The day was already exhausting enough at school, and she just wanted to sleep.

"Yes! Please~" The other girl started to whine on the other line, causing the brunette to roll her eyes.

"Fine, but you gotta hurry. I have to get back home before eleven or else my ass is getting beat." Yeji spat out her toothpaste and cleaned her toothbrush before throwing it back into its holder, checking herself in the mirror.

"Yay! I'll be there in ten!"

"Drive safely."

Then the call ended.

Yeji hurried out of her bathroom, throwing on an oversized white sweater that had bold words in the front, plus some light blue jeans. She was too lazy to apply anything to her face as it was already dark outside, nobody else would see her and she was simply too lazy to care about what other people thought of her bareface.

Adjusting her black hat on her hat, she checked the time with one glance.

Jimin should be here now.

Furtively walking out of her room, she slid across the floor with her socks, that way it wouldn't make any noise - at least she hoped it didn't. Yeji reached the front door in no time, opening the door swiftly and stepping outside. The cool night air brushed against her skin, causing a shiver to run down her spine. She closed the door behind her, making sure it clicked softly to avoid waking her parents.

As Yeji stood there, waiting for Jimin's arrival, she couldn't help but wonder what could be so important that Jimin had to drag her out at this hour. She had known Jimin for a long time, and they shared a close friendship, but this request seemed out of the ordinary.

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