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chp. 14

I tried to postpone going home as late as possible.

It was embarrassing to admit, but I did a lot of things just to delay the time that I would go back home.

First, I helped Mrs. Kim around the library, then mopped and took out the trash with the janitor, and even went as far as walking in circles around my neighbourhood. I'm pretty sure that my neighbours were starting to watch me each time I passed by.

Not that I hated interacting with my mom, but I was dreading the moment I'd have to sit in front of her and listen to whatever she had to say.

I was scared of what she would say.

And somewhere through my procrastinating, I somehow ended up in front of the Shin Residence.

I muttered a curse under my breath as I clenched my fist. Why did it always end with Ryujin? Couldn't I have walked to Jimin's house?

Actually, no, her house was at least an hour away— but I still felt frustrated. I had the taxi money, even enough energy to spill my brains out to her. However, it seemed like my body knew that I preferred Ryujin's comfort over Jimin's.

Which was something I would never admit out loud, I wouldn't want to boost her humongous ego even more.


I flinched at the soft-spoken voice. I hadn't realized that someone had walked up to me at all, and when I turned in response, it thankfully wasn't the Shin that I had anticipated.

"Hi, Yuna." I tried to put on a small smile in attempts of maintaining a composed manner, but I could tell that she saw right through me.

Just like Ryujin.

"What are you doing here? Should I call Ryujin down?" Yuna asked, concern etched on her face after she quickly scanned my figure. I was still in my uniform, and school had ended hours ago.

"No!" I blurted out a little too loudly, causing her eyes to widen slightly at my volume. "I mean uh, no, thanks."

"Okay, jeez," she chuckled, then her eyes softened within one millisecond. "Well, if you don't want to talk to her, I'm here. I am the better Shin after all."

God dammit, why are the Shins so nice? It's seriously getting sickening.

"Ah, it's alright." I brushed her off. "I was heading home anyway."

Yuna stared at me for a few seconds, looking over my face as if she was searching for a sign of hesitance. She was clearly unconvinced but gave it up. "Okay then. Get home safely!"

I smiled slightly as I began to back away, waving before I turned on my heel and made my way home. Now I had no choice but to face my mother, there was nothing else I could do to delay it anyway.


The immediate moment I stepped into the house, I could see my mother standing by the doorframe of the kitchen with my peripheral vision. With my cowardice, I avoided her gaze while I made my way to the washroom.

As I washed my hands, I could feel her heavy presence behind me. I refused to look up and meet her gaze through the mirror, but it was inevitable as she began to speak.

"I understand if you don't want to talk to me, but at least listen to what I have to say." Her voice was a lot softer than I anticipated, but it was also as firm as I had expected.

I shook off the water from my hands and turned off the light, coming face to face with her. "Sure." Then, I walked past her, towards my room.

"I'll be here when you're ready!" she called out before I shut the door behind me, allowing complete silence to consume the house.

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