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chp. 7

Miserable Monday.

Yeji already felt like she was on the edge of dropping dead after the first week of senior year, and it wasn't even that bad! The only thing that was still on her ass was the one and only, Shin Ryujin. Someone that she grew closer to over the past couple of days, but still hadn't gotten used to. Who could blame her anyway? They were two complete opposites.

Tapping the top of her mechanical pencil against one of the blank pages in her trusty notebook, Yeji yawned, covering her mouth as her teacher's voice served as a mere background noise. It was the last five minutes of class and she just couldn't bear him any longer, not that she doesn't listen, but due to her lack of sleep last night, she no longer had any patience nor the energy to sit through it.

However, the word "volunteering" managed to pass through her ears, causing her ears to perk up.

"...It's really easy, just taking care of a few animals for charity work. But I'm only allowing two to come with since other schools would also attend."

He had Yeji at "animals".

"Yeji?" Mr. Bae quirked a brow, clearly surprised by her willingness to contribute to charity work. "Well, that's shocking. But thank you for volunteering, who else?"

Chaeryeong sent the brunette Hwang an odd look, probably wondering why the girl decided to volunteer with her dislike toward school charity work. Then, she raised her hand as well.

"Class president, of course," Mr. Bae beamed and then nodded, clasping his hands. "That's all for today! Class dismissed."

The instant the teacher announced dismissal, the class erupted into chaos, with some students springing out of their seats for lunch, and some running to their friends already waiting by the door.

Meanwhile, Yeji remained seated, contemplating her life decisions. She wondered if volunteering was the right choice to make now that she did it. Hearing the other students' hums of surprise when she raised her hand was something she had expected, but it also left Yeji wondering if she was even fit for the job.

With her eyes fixed on the small scratches of her desk, Yeji hadn't noticed the class president approaching her desk until the girl cleared her throat.

Startled, Yeji whipped her head only to be met with a skeptical expression from Chaeryeong.

"Volunteering, huh?" Chaeryeong murmured with a brow raised. "Did you raise your hand by mistake? Because I can go tell Mr. Bae to cross you off from the—"

Yeji waved her hands in front of her in denial, cutting the redhead off. "Nah, it's fine. I meant to raise my hand, but thanks for the concern," she smiled, rising from her seat. "Um, so are you gonna wait for me so we can walk to lun—"

Chaeryeong immediately turned on her heel and exited the room without another word.

Yeji sighed, then grinned to herself as she packed her things up.

As she was exiting the room, Yeji found herself coming face to face with an irritatingly recognizable face.

"Hi, gorgeous," Ryujin grinned, her arm twitched as she held herself back from swinging an arm over the brunette's shoulders. "Ningning made muffins today, so we better hurry before they're all gone!"

Yeji was about to protest against the nickname the purple-haired used to call her, but before she could even open her mouth, the said girl had pulled her along.

Now, they were running down the halls together, and due to the pushy students doing the same thing as them, their hands eventually intertwined. Although, neither of them noticed it until they came to a stop at their table with their friends eyeing the contact.

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