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chp. 22

Something changed.


After Yeji returned from her weekend vacation, her overall mood and demeanour had changed.

But it wasn't bad, was it?

Ryujin tried to convince herself that she should be happy for the brunette, but something threw her off about her sudden 24/7 contentment. Yeji was all smiles when she came back, and she seemed.. unlike herself. Unlike the Yeji everyone knew her to be. She was much more jumpy, as if she was a child anticipating her Christmas gifts.

It was great, and Ryujin liked seeing Yeji smile and laugh so easily, it made her feel flutters. However, it felt strange.

"It's okay, just try again," Yeji smiled softly, causing Ryujin's eyebrow to twitch.

This girl has too much patience.

It was unlike her.

"You're weird." Those words flew out of Ryujin's mouth before she could even think about it, and that didn't fail to shock both of them.

"W-What?" Yeji's eyebrows furrow slightly. "I'm literally teaching you how to do AP Calculus right now, you better not complain."

"No." Ryujin shook her head. "I mean, you're acting weird."

Yeji's confusion seemed to double, now tilting her head. "What do you mean?"

Ryujin opened her mouth, only to close it the next second. She let out a final sigh and shook her head once more, turning back to her practice sheet with a frown. "Never mind."

With hesitance, Yeji brushed it off and nodded, now back to watching the comedy show on her phone with her Airpods in.

An hour had passed, and Ryujin wasn't even half way done the practice sheet. She understood the unit a while ago, and even though she wouldn't admit it, she was purposely acting dumb so she could spend more time with Yeji.

The brunette didn't notice at all though.

Maybe it was because of the way she was so focused on her phone, anticipating a text from a certain someone.

Ryujin felt like she was practically invisible.

"I'm done," she said flatly, sliding the paper over to the brunette, already packing her things up. Yeji held her phone in her hands, a wide smile fixed on her face as she typed away. She didn't even give the paper a glance.

"Good job," the brunette said absentmindedly. "I'll check it later."

Ryujin sighed heavily and slung her backpack onto her shoulder, then pushed her chair in and silently left the library.

She felt upset.

For what reason? No clue.

Perhaps it was the other Ryujin in her giving her that feeling of... envy. Or maybe it was her own doing, but either way, she disliked it.

Unknowingly, as she was lost in her thoughts, she hadn't noticed someone running up to her until she felt an arm linking with hers. Ryujin's head instantly whipped to the person, freezing upon seeing Yeji's smiling face.

"Why'd you leave me behind? I thought you'd wait for me," Yeji nudged her playfully.

"Yeji.." Ryujin pursed her lips, looking ahead to avoid the emotions she was feeling at their physical contact. She then forcefully shook off the brunette's arm, seeing her look of confusion in the corner of her eye. "I-I have to go. Thanks for helping me."

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