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I turned on my computer and glanced at my screen. All month I have been checking my emails to see the results of the test I took to go to an Ivy League university in Seoul, called Yonsei University. I have been working my ass off these past months, sleeping for only 2-4 hours per day, and working harder than I ever have in my entire life for this exam. The summer didn't feel like summer at all. 

I refreshed my emails, not expecting much today. The past month in which I spent checking my emails was unsuccessful. Each day they were no emails and each day I was getting more and more stressed. 

But once the page finished refreshing, my heart raced as I saw the email I have been waiting for so long. It seemed like time completely stopped as I clicked on the email, my heart beating faster and faster, the speed seeming almost unnatural for a human being. 

The email loaded and there appeared "CONGRATULATIONS" in big block letters. It seemed like time resumed and my heart went back to normal. I felt like screaming and celebrating loudly, but barely stopped myself as I remembered that it was 3 a.m. and everyone in my house was sleeping. 

I closed my computer with a deep sigh. It seemed like a huge weight was released off my shoulders. Now I could focus on removing the big bags from my eyes and getting to my previous state- my healthy state...before once again pulling all-nighters for tests.

1 month later...

I opened the window of the aeroplane and looked out the window and I sighed softly. The view was spectacular to me, especially since it was the first time I have been on an aeroplane. My parents are average when it comes to money, but I've never had a chance or excuse to go on one. 

I got a headache from looking out the window for too long so I stopped looking out and closed the window causing the little bit of light that flood out to disappear. I closed my eyes and let myself fall asleep on the not-so-comfortable seat of economy class.

/♥/ /♥/ /♥/

"Ladies and gentlemen,  DOOING Airlines welcomes you to Seoul. The local time is 2 p.m. For your safety and the safety of those around you, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened and keep the aisle(s) clear until we are parked at the gate." said the pilot, making me wake up. I groaned and started getting my bag and preparing myself to leave the plane. 

After a few minutes, the plane successfully landed and I exited the plane hurriedly. It's not like I had an appointment, I was tired and therefore was eager to go to my dorm and sleep. I waited for my suitcase at the baggage carousel and once I got it, headed outside.

I had made arrangements with my best friend Seungmin for him to pick me up. Sure enough, Seungmin's black BMW stopped in front of me. Seungmin came out of the car and greeted me with a short hug. 

"How was the flight?" he asked when we let go. "It was ok, I'm really tired though," I complained, handing him my suitcase so he could put it in the trunk of his car. "Put it in yourself!" Seungmin said, grinning. I groaned for what seemed like the 10000th time today and struggled to put my heavy suitcase inside Seungmin's trunk.

Seeing me struggle, Seungmin hurried to help me. Once we successfully put it in, we went in the car, Seungmin on the wheel and me in the passenger's seat beside him. I looked at my phone for the second time in all day. It was 3:00. I had tons of notifications; text messages, game notifications etc.

I didn't bother checking the notifications, too tired to look through them now. So instead, I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. The gentle motor of the car was like a lullaby as I crept deeper into sleep.

I was not able to sleep more than 5 minutes when Seungmin woke me up. We were at a gas station. I glared at him. "Why did you wake me up!?" I asked. "Do you want something from here?" Seungmin asked innocently, pointing to the mini mart at the gas station. I shook my head. "Suit yourself," Seungmin replied, leaving the car and entering the mini mart.

I gave up on sleeping and instead turned on some music. A few minutes later, Seungmin came back caring two bottles of coke and a bag of chips. He handed me a bottle of coke. "Here," I took it. "Thanks," I said with a smile. 

Once again we were on the road. But instead of the complete silence before, the car was filled with our conversation and the distant music from the radio.

"How is Seoul?" I asked. He had come to Seoul one week before me. "It's great, you'll love it!" Seungmin said, glancing at me for a second before once again focusing on the road in front of us. "And the school?" I asked, talking about the prestigious Ivy League college I had barely managed to enter. "It's amazing!" exclaimed Seungmin before going into detail about the school, making me excited to see it. But before everything, I wanted to find my dorm and sleep. 

/♥/ /♥/ /♥/

We finally arrived at the university and after a while, we successfully got my keys to my dorm. "Your dorm will be in block C room 3-B," 

Seungmin and I walked through many halls, with wide windows allowing the evening light to flood in and benches for tired students to sit down or maybe students to talk or wait for their next classes that will start in a few minutes. I looked around eagerly, allowing my imagination to leave me. I was excited to start my new year. 

We finally arrived in 'block C' and started looking around. 

"Actually my room is also in block C...room 2-A," Seungmin said calmly, looking around from 3-B. "Why didn't you tell me earlier?" I asked, wondering why he hadn't told me earlier. Seungmin simply shrugged his focus still on finding my dorm. 

After a short while, we finally found my dorm. I checked the time, 4:45. So much time has passed. I pulled Seungmin in for a quick hug, at the door of my dorm. He hugged me back. "See you tomorrow," I said when we let go. Seungmin nodded with a smile. "See you later," he said, and with that left me standing there. 

I entered the dorm to see a boy already there, focused on his computer. He had died silver hair, brown eyes, and wore baggy clothes. 


I looked up from my computer and saw a tall boy with long brown hair standing there. I quickly jumped up and painted a welcoming smile on my face. "Hi, I'm Felix...you must be my roommate!" I said cheerfully. He smiled at me. "I think I am! Oh, and I'm Hyunjin, nice to meet you," he said putting his hand out so I could shake it. I shook it firmly. "Nice to meet you too," 

"This will be your side of the dorm, you can decorate it any way you'd like," I said, pointing to the left side of the room. He nodded, still standing at the doorway, his eyes on me. I took his suitcase and placed it near his bed. "Oh, thank you." he said, finally moving to me. I smiled again. "No problem," 

/♥/ /♥/ /♥/

Just a few minutes after he had come, he fell asleep- still in his clothes. I looked at him curiously, my intentions weren't weird. I started at his features that harmonized perfectly together. His nose, eyes, and mouth seemed perfect on his face. 

But that's not all I noticed, he had big bags under his eyes, and his face was a bit pale. As I noticed these details, a pang of pity pierced my heart. 

He moved slightly and I jumped up, now aware of the weird shit I was just doing. I imagined what would have happened if Hyunjin would have woken up and seen me looking at him. He would have most definitely been weirded out. I felt myself heat up with embarrassment and I quickly went back to my desk and continued what I was doing on my computer. 

But before I could bring myself to either stop myself from doing or even have a sense of what I was about to do, I unfolded Hyunjin's blanket that was previously sitting on his bed unused and draped it over Hyunjin's body. After doing that action, I quickly went back to my desk, my heart racing.

What the hell am I doing? 

1465 words

A/N: sorry that felix barely has any words, i was just really invested in hyunjin's part that i forgot about felix lol and i didn't proofread it so sorry if there is any mistakes. 


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