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"I got something for you- well both actually," I said. "Huh? What is it?" Felix asked. I handed him the small box. "Is this my birthday present?" He asked. "Cuz I expected to have it given later today," Felix added. "No, it is...just...open it!" I said.

Felix smiled and opened the box. Inside were carefully placed rings. "Couple rings?" He asked. "Yeah...i-if you don't feel comfortable with wearing them so soon it is totally fine!" I said. "Don't be silly! Of course I do!!" Felix said, putting them on. He handed me mine so I could also put them on. I obviously did just that.

/♡/ /♡/ /♡/

"AYO GET YOUR LAZY ASS OVER HERE!" I yelled to Changbin who was across the room in a corner talking with Chan, doing absolutely nothing. Meanwhile I was almost falling down from trying to attach some string with peices of firm paper that wrote in big block letters; Happy Birthday Felix.

Speaking of Felix, he wasn't here. I had found a way to get him out of the dorm for a good amount of time ("Felix maybe you should go to the supermarket,"). I feel like he already knew what I was planning with the others, but chose to be silent and pretend he hasn't got a clue of what I'm planning.

Changbin helped me hang it up. Everyone was preoccupied with what they were doing (decorating, cooking etc.) and the hum of everyone's conversation mixing together filled the room. I catched bits of what everyone was saying. Mostly they were talking about what they bought to give Felix as his birthday present.

Everyone was so into the moment that they completely forgot about Felix. I got a text message from Felix saying that he was almost there (we got into a habit of telling each other about that shit).

I almost screamed out loud when I got a messgage from Felix. "GUYS! FELIX IS COMING HURRY THE FUCK UP!" I yelled, quickening my pace. "Holy shit!" I heard Minho yell out from the kitchen. I went to the kitchen to check on how they were doing.

"Is there much left to do?" I asked. "Uhm...not much," Minho said. "Yeah, we'll need like 10 more minutes," Jisung added. "Not bad!" I said, and left to continue the final stuff I needed to do before the 'suprise'.

A few minutes later, we were all pretty much ready. I wanted to take a quick shower, so that's what I did before we all started waiting for Felix to come.

We waited for less than five minutes and Felix started rattling the lock of the door and making noises as he tried to open the door. A few tries later, he opened the door and like on command, we all shouted 'SUPRISE (i just thought of that time when Lee know blew the party thingy and said sUpRiSe)'.



I tried my best to look suprised as I saw all my friends Minho, Jisung, Seungmin, Jeongin, Chan, Changbin, and my boyfriend standing there.

Hyunjin placed a party hat on top of my head and led me deeper into the dorm. "It's amazing!" I exclaimed. "It better be, we worked hard," minho said. "It is, it is, dont worry," Felix reassured.

The party contuned and soon everyone started to give presenets and leave.

After the last person left, Felix and I were left alone.

"Did you like you're birthday?" I asked, in the bathroom with Felix as he brushed his teeth. He nodded, washing out the toothpaste.

He beamed at me.

"What was you're favorite part of today?" I asked. "Hmm...the part when I became yours," Felix flirted. I laughed. "Let's go to sleep," I said. "Sure," Felix said and he climbed into bed with me and in response I wrapped my arms around him and we snuggled closer.

"Good night," I whispered. "Good night," Felix whispered back. Silence. "I love you," Felix said to me. I smiled in the dark as I felt butterflies form in my tummy for about the 194838th time. "I love you too," I said, giving him a wet kiss on his forehead.

/♡/ THE END/♡/

722 words

A/N: should i do another hyunlix ff or a Seungin one next pls comment your opinion

/♡/Thank you for reading /♡/

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