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"Oh fuck my life!" My eyes slowly open to Angelina like throwing stuff down. I roll over onto my back to see what she's doing and she's sitting down on her bed mumbling to herself.

[Lela: I'm trying to sleep and Angelina is like throwing a tantrum because she doesn't wanna go to work.]

"What are you doing?"

"Huh?" She looks over at me as she stands up and moves closer to me.

"What are you doing?" I clear my throat and ask her again.

"I have to go to work so I'm getting ready in my room." Like the sass on this girl who has no consideration for others.

"Can you do that somewhere else? Like what's going on with all the noise?"

"Just, oh my gosh i'll go somewhere else." She stumps out the room looking like a total idiot for no reason. It's not my problem that she has to go to work, so I just go back to sleep. I am not in the mood to deal with childish behavior.


By the time I'm up Nicole is up. I pull out the compact mirror off the side table and take a look at my overall face and hair. My hair has started to frizz up from the straight state I put it in. My hair is naturally a loose curly texture, but I normally straighten my hair or get a dominican blowout.

"How are you feeling girl?" I get up and sit on the bed with her as Sammi walks in.

"I don't know. I feel like I'm still like set."

"Why?" Sammi takes a sip from her cup and sits on Angelina's bed.

"Why end the summer like being depressed and feeling the way I am?"

"You're not." Sammi says.

"When can I end it amazing with my friends back home?"

"Nicole, if this has anything to do with the first night, we are over that. We all want you here. I know I do, but I'm not going to try and understand you. If that's what like you wanna do, imma support you. I want you to be yourself." I really feel for my roommate. I do. I can tell she is not having a good time and is just miserable.

[Lela: We are in a situation where we are all strangers and still getting to know each other. I understand that the first night was not how Nicole wanted to present herself and she is still struggling to find her place.]

"Thank you. I'm emotional like exhausted."

Sammi then takes Nicole into the living room to talk alone as i go into the bathroom to fix myself up and get dressed for the day.


"Jenni!" I plop down on the couch with her.

"What's up girl?"

"Angelina is so freaking rude." I say with an emphasis on rude as she walks through the door. Like perfect timing. She must have heard me because she rolls her eyes but doesn't look at me.

"Did I hear Jolie is rude?" Pauly sits beside me. My back is up against his chest, is how close he is. So I have to crane my neck back to even see his face.

"Yeah she was bitching about having to go to work and woke me up slamming shit. When I say something to hear she stumps off like a child. Like come on we all don't wanna work the summer but don't do that."

"That's how she is. At work she couldn't even do hangers, she was finding other things to do besides working." Pauly says as he wraps his arm around my neck and tugs me back.

"Oh my gosh! Pauly!"

"Alright lovebirds." Jenni gets up to go make a call to her boyfriend.

"Are you going to dance with me at the club?" Pauly rubs his hand up and down my arm. Like I'm getting butterflies, but I don't want to.

"I mean if you want me to."

"You have to save me a dance." he holds up his pinky finger and i hesitate before i wrap mine around his.

"Okay. You should go shower."

"What you callin' me stinkin'?!" I nod my head.

"Yeah, you stink." I stick my tongue out at him.

We ended up going to the club without Mike and Sammi because they have to work closing at the Shore Store

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We ended up going to the club without Mike and Sammi because they have to work closing at the Shore Store. Vinni said Mike wasn't happy about us going out without them on the first night out. Nicole also decided she would see how tonight went to make her decision in the morning. Which not going to lie, but I'm happy.

I go for my blue velvet cutout dress. It's a safe dress to wear. I didn't wanna show all the guys the goods at Karma especially if the guys are ugly are there. I start off by going directly to the bar with Nicole. We take about three shots before hitting the floor.

Nicole finds some guy and I'm alone, but some guy comes sliding up in front of me. He's not ugly, but if I squint my eyes he's attractive. He'll do.

I'm grinding on him and he's pushing up on me. Then out of nowhere his hand is around my neck. Nope. See ya never.

The next guy is even worse because apparently he has a girlfriend. Next. There are like no good looking guys in this place.

[Lela: There were no good looking guys in Karma. I'm not asking for much. I had on my best dress and I couldn't pull one decent guy. They were all trash.]

I go until I find Pauly who is already dancing with some girl, but as soon as he sees me he leaves her. I'm having a good time now. It was innocent dancing. The type you do with a guy friend you aren't close to. But I have another drink and I'm grinding on him.

"You don't know how bad I want you." Pauly says in my ear, but I'm too far gone, but not that far I don't understand. I will just ignore it for now. "You don't understand how bad I want you." he says into my ear again.

His hands are on my hips. There are those butterflies again.

[Pauly D: I start dancing and um, like it kind of gettin' a little bit intimate. We're getting real sexual. Our faces are touching and we're like teasing each other to that point where you see who makes that first move.]

My hips slow down as I slowly grind on him and I'm leaning more back into him as his hand kays flat against my stomach. I'm looking up at him as my head lays on his chest.

[Lela: Do i wanna do this and mess up on a relationship? What happens next?]

I turn around and face Pauly as his hands go right to my waist. Why the hell not. I place my lips onto his. The kiss is slow and I'm really feeling it. Not just his penis rubbing against my leg, but I start to feel those butterflies again.

I lean back to make sure it's not just me even though he kissed back. He's smiling, grinning ear to ear. He pulls me back for another kiss. 

A/N: Wow! Thanks for reading my new story. I didn't think it would gain so many readers overnight, that's amazing. This story is marked mature by the way, so strong language and themes are present.  I think I'll add sex themes in this book, but I'm not sure.

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