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I wake up and see Ronnie in the bed with Sam. Apparently they got into an argument at the club, but Ronnie was talking and dancing with other girls as soon as Sam left. I don't know when this happened or how, but I'm staying out of it. I'm just ready for work.

I have to get up early to do something to my hair. I wet my hair and comb it with a wide tooth. Then I put a curling smoothie in it after rubbing it into my hands then running my hands through my hair.

I section my hair into two parts right down the middle of my head and give myself to plaits. Turning around I looked over my shoulder to make sure the back looked good.

It's a little uneven, but I just need a cut. I might even dye my hair.

I wash all the products off my hands and clean the sink before leaving the bathroom. All that took 20 minutes which is better than the usual hour if my hair was longer.

"Sam's in bed with Ronnie" is the first thing I hear as I come out of the bathroom. "I'm sick of like the same shit." It's Jenni and Pauly in the kitchen.

"It;s like old now, huh?"

"Just tired of it dude."

[Jenni: Ron and Sam's relationship is just ridiculous. They fight everyday day then just act like nothing happened.]

"Morning." I say walking past them to get some water. They both greet me as they go sit in the living room.

"Do you even know the shit that went down last night?"

"No." I hear Jenni say.

"Snooki told Ronnie she's going to tell Sam everything that happened in the club last night."

"Do you think she has the right to know?"

"I mean, I don't know. It's all going to come out at some point. And she'll still probably go back with him. That's how dumb I think she is."

"Le, come here." Jenni calls.

I walk into the living room looking between the two.

"Does Sam have the right to know?"

"Yeah." It was a long stretch yeah, because to be honest it's a messed up situation That Ronnie has shown all the roommates in the middle of.

"But I don't think we should be the ones who tell her, like we have to, but Ronnie needs to go do it. I feel like it would be worse coming from us, but by not telling her it feels like we did her wrong." I tried to explain.

[Lela: We all are letting Sammi down and it's like nothing we can really do. I know we need to tell her or don't but either way all this is fucked up.]

I felt kind of mad that Sammi was letting this go on and keep happening to her. At the same time I was mad at Ronnie for letting things blow out of proportion and just keep repeating this cycle.

"If you go back with someone after they go out and do that to you then come home in the same bed with you. That's a true pig right there.

[Sammi: Right now I'm just confused about everything. One minute we're fighting, then he's in my bed cuddling me. it's kind of giving me signals of how he feels. I just don't know what he wants anymore.]

I had to work with Ronnie, Sam and Mike. It wasn't bad. Better than I expected it to go. Sam and Ronnie were acting so sweet towards each other, so I guess they are together.

I ended up going to the bar with Nicole and Jenni later that night to play pool. I don't know how to play pool, but it was for fun.

"You bitch!" I quickly turn around to see Nicole rubbing her stomach. "You hit me!" She laughs it off.

"Oh my gosh, I hate you stick." I slap the stick. "That's for hurting my boo." I also had a few drinks as we were playing.

The next night it's another night out. The guys were going to clutch and because we had a great time last night, Jenni, Nicole and I are going out to eat.

I'm in the bathroom doing my makeup when Nicole comes in.

"I need to use the bathroom."

"What are you doing, peeing?"


"Okay, just don't shit." I close the door as Nicole comes in.

"Is Sam coming?" I ask looking for the blush in my bag. Since it was basically a girls night, we wanted Sam to join us.

"No. Ronnie is going with the guys, but she's staying here."


"I don't know. I kept asking but she wants to stay."

[Lela: I think Sam should come out with us. The guys are doing their thing and she needs to do her own.]

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