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I'm packing my stuff up for the second time because I'm going to Miami! The Jersey Shore is going to live it up in Miami. Right now i'm looking as white and pale as Vinny, I haven't seen the sun here with all this winter weather, I'm just ready to get my glowing brown skin back.

"My little baby, I just want you to have fun and behave yourself." I feel like this is the same speech my mom gave me the first season, but whatever happens, happens.

"Mamma i'll be a good little angel."

"That's nice to hear, but will you be good?" i mentally roll my eyes because I don't wanna get smacked.

"No promises. A night can get wild with a little alcohol." my mom sighs when she hears that but drops the conversation.

"Just call me."

"Le, let's go!" Jocelyn calls me. She's taking me to the airport. I was not road tripping down to Miami with Nicole and Jenni, I don't even think I can be in a car that long, and I wanna get to the house first to get our rooms.

I get to the airport and Sammi is there waiting for me.

[Lela: Me and Sam have been talking. We met outside the show and just talked. When I'm not with my girls, I'm hanging out with Sam, she's great when she's not in a relationship.]

"So, I heard Angelina has been talking about us."

"What do you mean?" I say as we step onto the plane. We find our seats which are on the right side of the plane and hopefully no one sits beside us. I wish it was just two seats and not three.

"Just that she was talking mad shit about all us girls, like it wasn't going to get back to us."

"I mean I heard she was. I just didn't know if it was true or if it was even something to talk about. Like girl we lived together for a week and then you dipped. I heard she hooked up with Pauly."

"No way. She took your seconds." Sam chuckles.

"I know. She's jealous. Like all this is her fault. I hope she doesn't show up."

"Me and you both."


Sam and I get to the house in Miami and just hoping we don't see Angelina and that we get a good room.

[Lela: We get to the house and it's nice. Pauly and Mike are there, and BOOM. Angelina is there. Oh. This is going to be interesting.]

[Sam: Guess who greets me at the door? Angelina. So that was like a sight to see. What are you doing here?]

"Hey are we cool?" Angelina is basically following us into the house. They guys had came out to help bring the rest of our stuff in and I guess Angelina is trying to get on our good side before Jenni and Nicole get here. Like girl I don't even know you. How are we going to be good? We shared a room for a week. I don't know you or owe you anything.

"I don't know. I heard a lot of shit talking. We'll see." Sam says and I don't answer her at all. Sam and I settled on the room with 4 beds. The room is pretty suspicious for 4 beds.

I put my clothes away as there is no way that we are going to be able to leave our suitcases out. And I'm in the closet and I hear Angelina just talking. We just got here and I'm not going to start anything.

"Lela, didn't say anything to me. Real mature, grow up." I roll my eyes and stick my finger up. I hate how she talks to other people about her problems, like just confront me.

"Lele, Lele!" I turn around and see Pauly.

"Did you see that?"

"Don't let that girl get to you."

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