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[Lela: it was a nice night at karma until it was time to go. These girls were calling Nicole slutty because of her outfit, this one guy kept following us and Ronnie knocked him out cold. Now the cops wanna talk to him. Every time we go to the club shit happens.]

We are standing around wondering what's going to happen next to Ronnie. They keep saying they want to talk to him.

"You're goin' to jail. Turn around." They place him in cuffs and put him in the back of the car.

"Why is Ronnie in the car, right now?" Vinny says.

"Is this for real right now?" I fold my arms over my chest as I stand on the sidewalk with the others. like this is crazy. I get he hit the guy, but the guy was hitting as well. Although, Ronnie shouldn't have gone back to fight.

"What do you do, what do you do?" Nicole is in a panic and Sam....

"What do you do? I don't even know what to do."

[Sam: Ronnie's sitting in the cop car like about to be taken. I just I don't even know what to do at this point I feel horrible. I honestly feel horrible.]

"Let's just go and try and figure everything else back at the house." I guide Sam away because I don't want her to do anything stupid and we don't need two roommates in jail.

"We will get him back, I promise you." Nicole says as she goes to the phone to call the station.

"There was no need to punch." Sam is like on the verge of tears, she is so upset. I get it that's her man, he just got arrested in front of her.

"What number should we call? I don't understand." Now Nicole is like, lost. She wants to help, we all want to help, but how?

"I don't know what to do?"

"Sammi, just go lay down and we'll take care of this. Just go." I watch Sam walk off up stairs as Nicole rushes up to me with a notebook of numbers.

"It's either 911, urgent care or local police department."

"Let's call the local police department, 911 is for like emergencies."

I dial the number as Nicole holds the phone up to her ear.

"Hello? Yeah I'm looking for um, Ronnie. We're just wondering his status right now and if he can come home or not." Sammi comes back downstairs and leans against the door waiting to hear what's happening.

"6:30 in the morning, write that down." I quickly write it down in the book Nicole had.

"What time is it?" Sam asks.

"What time is it mike?" Vinny looks over at Mike in the kitchen.


"We have 3 hours. Let's try to rest up. I know some of us have work tomorrow." I squeeze sam's shoulder and make my way to my room.

[Lela: Ronnie's back and I never want something like this to happen again. I don't wanna see my roomies in jail or hurt.]

"Ronnie, you're okay." I wrap him in a hug and he pats me on the back. "Never do that shit again."


"Nicole, Lela. It's gorilla central out there. Get the fuck up!" Jenni comes barging in the room and stands in the middle of the room.

"What do you mean?" Nicole is slowly waking up from her sleep. I'm painting my nails.

"Juiceheads everywhere."

"You're lying." Nicole finally sits up.

"No, it's labor day weekend. They are all over the beaches and boardwalk. There are so many juiceheads out there I feel like a kid in a candy shop."

"I have to finish my other hand. It might take a minute."

"Well hurry it up."

[Nicole: A juice head is a hot Italian guy typically muscly and loves working out you know looking buff and brawling.]

We get down to the beach and we don't see any juiceheads. I don't mind if they're not Italian. I just want a man that is packing up top and below. Although they don't have to have muscles if they are packing down below.

We just keep roaming the beach until we find at least one good person.

"Hey you?" I turn my head and I see this guy just running at us. He slows to a pace in front of us. "I thought you looked good from far away, but damn you look even better up close." I'm looking at Nicole and Jenni because who is he talking to?

"My name is Joey and pink bikini?" I realize he is looking at me.

"Oh, you're talking to me!" I'm generally surprised. A majority of the guys i meet now are the guys i find in the club or some bar, so to meet a guy without kissing him first is strange.

"You got this girl." Jenni and Nicole leave me with this Joey guy.

"I'm Lela, nice to meet you."

"I know this may sound weird, but I saw you the minute you stepped on the beach. I knew I had to talk to you or even just get your number."

"Yeah, just so you know I don't have a phone right now, but just text me and I'll get back to you." I take his phone and put my number in it.

"How do I know it's you though? This could be some random number." He's smiling at me. It's like a goofy smile and it makes me all giddy inside.

"Well I'm not going to lie. This is my home phone. Just call it and you can leave a message and I'll get back to you."

"Alright, I'm holding you to that. I'll see you around."

"See ya." I watch as he jogs off and I walk around to go find the roomies.

"There she is." I lay down on the blanket beside Jenni. "Did you get his number?"

"No. I gave him mine. I told him I would call him back though."

"You should have gone out with him."

"No. It's fine. It's our last night. Girls before bros. Oh, where's Nicole?" I look around and don't see my boo.

"She went back to call Keith."

"Good for her."

[Lela: This was and is the best summer ever. I had a great time. I made new friends. I can honestly say I wouldn't change anything.]

"Imma miss you." I look over at Nicole as we both lay in the bed. We have a lot to pack and we were just holding off on doing it. We had a great dinner and talk last night and I'll miss everyone.

We both finally get up and start packing up all our stuff.

[Pauly: It's time to pack up everybody's real quiet like real sad looking at each other like damn this is really the last time. Summer is over and we're leaving Jersey.]

[Lela: We're all hugging each other and just getting that last goodbye in. I made a best friend here.]

Mike was first to leave then Ronnie who had to kiss Sam bye.

[Sam: From the beginning I wasn't really looking for anything coming into this house and I was like I'm just here to have a good time and see where things go and apparently ron was the same way.]

Jenni left and I was after her. "Bye boo." Nicole and I wrap each other up in a hug, not wanting to let go.

"Call me as soon as you get home. Okay?" I nod my head at Nicole.

"Promise." I hug Pauly next. "Bye fuck buddy." We both laugh at that as we hug. "Bye Vinny." I hug him before I walk out the house and into my car.

I will really miss them. Bye Jersey.

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