Chapter 11 // News

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"[Y/N] [L/N], please head to the principals office. I repeat, [Y/N] [L/N], please head to the principals office."

You were shocked when you heard your name come through the PA system, and you wondered if something was wrong. General Study students were rarely called to the office.

It was the day after the festival, and you were still somewhat sulking over the fact that you didn't win first place and that you won third, which wasn't even yours to win. The medal should've gone to Iida. All you were was a runner-up.

You had gained a lot of attention around school though. Many students who didn't even acknowledge you beforehand were now calling your name the halls and trying to start conversations with you at any chance they possibly could. Although, it was more creepy than flattering considering most of them were either asking if you were single or asking if you didn't want to be single. Either way, things were starting to look up ever since you made your "statement."

You knocked a few times on Nezu's office door and only entered when you heard a quiet "come in" from the other side.

"Ah, hello, [L/N]," Nezu greeted you calmly, and you looked around to to find both hero course teachers sitting beside the stout.

"What's going on?" you couldn't help but ask as you closed the door and walked over to the three adults.

"Take a seat, please," Nezu said, motioning it the empty seat across from him.

You slowly pulled out the chair and sat down, glancing between the three. You began tapping your fingers against your thigh as you folded one of your legs beneath the other.

"I assume you don't know why you're here," Nezu said, and you shook your head, which the stout took as a sign to continue. "You put on quite the show at the festival yesterday," he stated, "and you've gained the attention of many heroes who wish to recruit you."

Nezu looked at Aizawa. The man glanced at the stout, who nodded, and he then looked at you. He sat slouched in his seat with his hands stuffed in his pockets, his face slightly hidden in his scarf.

"Dozens of requests have been sent in for you," Aizawa said, "but we can't allow you to access them because you're not a hero course student so we," he looked at Nezu and Vlad King, "have decided it would be logical to transfer you to the hero course as soon as possible."

Okay. You definitely didn't see that coming. Well, you did. You just assumed they'd wait a year to transfer you since both classes are already full.

"If you accept, that is," Nezu added to Aizawa's statement. "Of course, you'll remain in General Studies until we work out a new schedule and get you a hero suit, but you'll probably be transferred by the end of this week, and you'll be given the opportunity to pick what hero class you want to be in."

"This is...a lot," you said slowly.

"I understand, which is why you're given a choice here," Nezu responded. "You can either decline and continue your year in general studies and we'll decline all the offers that have been sent in for you, or you can choose to transfer and finish your year in the hero courses. Understand that if you choose to transfer, it will be a drastic change."

"I'll do it," you said quickly, "but I just have one question."

"Ask away," Nezu said.

"Will Shinso be transferred too?" you asked, hope evident in your expression. "He made it to the one v. one rounds too."

"Yes, but he did not make it as far as you," Vlad King finally spoke for the first time since you entered the room. "It is clear that you have much more experience than him and won't have trouble falling into the routine of being a hero student. Shinso needs more practice and training before being transferred."

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