Chapter 53 // Opposing Plans

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Overhaul speed walked down the sidewalk to avoid being caught and slid off his mask so he had a lesser chance of being recognized.

The villain caught a glimpse of a familiar acquaintance standing on the other side of the quiet road, so he quickly crossed over.

"I said scope it out," Shigaraki spoke, "not bust down the doors and set off the alarm."

"I wanted to see how the girl would fair in a fight," Overhaul replied shortly. "You were right. She's eager, smart, and strategic. Protective, too, and her quirk, I didn't even see it."

"I told you. It's invisible," Shigaraki began with an annoyed sigh. "It pisses me off every time."

"Well, hopefully, you won't have to worry about that quirk being used against you anymore," Overhaul stated. "If you're still on for the deal, we can make it happen. I'll help you catch her, and you can harvest her quirk genes. We each get half. What you do with your part isn't my business."

"Deal," Shigaraki nodded quickly, "and make this kidnapping as smooth as possible. Try to keep the injuries to a minimum, and don't alert anyone. In other words, don't bust down the doors of the dormitory."

"Can't make any promises with how...passionate that girl is," Overhaul replied, "but I will do my part. A deal's a deal."

"I'm glad this is working out," Shigaraki stated before beginning to walk away, "but, remember, deal's only work with an equal exchange. If you choose to try anything, like keep her for your own, per say, everything will go very wrong very quickly for you."

"Let's not begin with the threats now," Overhaul replied, "or do you not remember what happened to your dear colleague, Magne."

Shigaraki came to a halt and glanced over this shoulder at Overhaul, who was staring at him maliciously.

"Just saying," Shigaraki reminded. "Just keep things going the way they are, and we won't have any problems. We're in for the same thing, right?"

"Right," was all Overhaul said before crossing back to the other side of the road.

The two walked in tandem for a few minutes, never sparin each other a glance, before going their separate ways.


"So what's the verdict, Boss?" Toga questioned with a manic giggle as soon as Shigaraki entered the League's hideout.

"Overhaul will catch the little pest," Shigaraki explained. "In return, we'll harvest her quirk, and then he gets half of the genes. In the meantime time, we'll prep for her arrival."

"Are we going to give her a nomu body?" Kurogiri wondered.

"I haven't decided," Shigaraki replied. "We don't have all of our old equipment at the moment since our old base was destroyed. However, she's quite the wonder. I don't know if she needs a body. We may just amp up her normal stats, give her a boost, and add a few quirks."

"Are you are sure a normal human body and handle multiple bio-made quirks?" Spinner questioned. "We don't wanna accidentally kill her."

"That's what the boost is for," Shigaraki explained. "We'll make is so her body is able to endure it. If that doesn't work, we'll give her a nomu body, simple, but I want to try the first way first."

"I don't really care what you do with her as long as she's out of my way," Dabi stated.

"And I didn't ask for your opinion," Shigaraki hissed. "Anyway, she'll be out of our way soon enough, which will make it much easier to carry our future plans. Let's just hope our dear Chisaki won't do something stupid."


Overhaul entered the Shie Hassaikai Hedquarters to find Mimic waiting for him. He didn't bother to speak as he made his way down the hallway, knowing Mimic would follow.

"Is the deal on then?" Mimic asked curiously. "The deal with the girl, is it on?"

"Yes, it will happen," Overhaul stated blandly. "I'll catch the girl, they'll harvest her quirk, and we'll get half."

Mimic released a chuckle, saying, "you're not actually gonna share her, are you?"

"You know me so well," Overhaul replied. "Of course I'm not sharing. I'll give them hope, and then I'll rip her away.


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