Chapter 14 // How Ironic

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You couldn't help but stare in awe as you entered Best Jeanist's agency. You had never been in a hero agency before, and, yes, it was just like any other big, fancy, and spacious building with a bunch of mannerly dressed people who wore obviously false, exaggerated smiles, but it was worth being around if it meant you got to spend a week with your idol.

"[Y/N] [L/N]?"

You spun around at the sound of your name to see a woman dressed in navy blue pants and a matching blazer with a white blouse standing to your right. She had a clipboard held close to her chest and a clearly fake smile plastered on her face.

"Uh, yeah. That's me," you replied, turning to face the woman completely. She checked something off on her clipboard before saying, "this way," and gesturing for you to follow her.

Your fingers tightened around the strap of your duffel bag as you walked closely behind the unnamed woman. It wasn't long before the two of you reached a gray door, which she opened before beckoning you to go in first, which you did with a small nod.

"Oh, you have got to be fucking kidding me."

"Why, hello, Poppy."

"Bakugo, please, watch your language and your tone," Best Jeanist said from his seat behind his desk. Bakugo huffed and crossed his arms from where he stood in front of the hero as you rushed over to stand beside the angry blond, facing your idol.

"It's nice to personally meet you, [L/N]," Best Jeanist said, nodding your way. "You were quite impressive during the festival."

"Thank you," you replied, bowing slightly.

"Now that introductions are done," Best Jeanist began, sighing as he stood, and it was only then that you realized how tall he was, "get suited up. We're going on patrol."

"Already? We just got here," you said. However, you didn't have any problem starting right away.

"You'll get time to settle in," Best Jeanist said, "but as long as the sun is out, so are we. Get into your costumes and meet back here. Taiyna," he gestured toward the woman still standing into he doorway, "will show you to the room you will be staying in for the time you're here."

"Room?" you questioned upon hearing the word, which definitely should have been pluralized. "Are we staying together?" you gestured between yourself and Bakugo.

"Yes," Best Jeanist said. "It will save room, and make things simpler. Is there a problem with that?"

You glanced at Bakugo, whose lips were pursed and arms were folded over his chest. He didn't seem to want to saying anything for once.

"No," you eventually said.

"Good," Best Jeanist stated. "Now run along. Follow Taiyna."

You left first, practically walking in tandem with the woman, Taiyna, as Bakugo trailed behind, his hands stuffed in his pockets as he followed, slouched. The three of you eventually arrived near a door at the dead-end hallway, and Taiyna pulled out a keycard from her pocket, which she then handed to you.

"Here's your keycard. Don't lose it," she stated before walking off to most likely tend to more important matters.

You rolled your shoulders as you slid the keycard through the pad above the door handle before grabbing the cold, steel handle and pushing open the door.

There were two beds, each opposite from each other, and two nightstands, one beside each bed. There was one dresser pressed up against the wall in between the beds, and there were two windows on the farthest wall that allowed the two of you a view of the city.

You tossed your bag on one of the beds before pulling your costume out and laying each accessory on the mattress. Bakugo walked over to the other bed and did the same. As you turned around, opening your mouth with the intention of asking a question, he was in the process of pulling off his shirt. You were tempted to watch, but you ultimately spun back around and stared at the wall, almost blushing.

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