Chapter 23 // Gesture

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"Congrats to those of you who passed your practical exams," Aizawa said as the bell rang, signaling the beginning of the school day.

You smiled. It was Friday morning, the final day of the week, the final week before you went on break. Passing your exams was a good way to end the week.

"However, some of you didn't pass your practical exams; Ashido, Kaminari, Kirishima, Sato, and Sero," Aizawa continued, putting the class' chatter in pause, "but all of you passed your written tests. Therefore, all of you will be attending a training camp this upcoming month."

"I have to work in my free time?" Mina questioned with a whine.

"Yes, it would be irrational to not train for a whole month." Aizawa replied. "You'll be provided breakfast, lunch, and dinner each day and there's a hot springs at the building as well."

"Where is this training camp, Sensei?" you asked curiously.

You had no problem spending your break training. You'd just spend it watching TV and snacking otherwise.

"It's stationed in the mountains. It's secluded, so we won't be interrupted or disturbed. You'll have tons of room to train and fool around, but you'll need some things," Aizawa explained. "We'll stop by the mall this weekend and buy supplies before we leave Monday morning. I'm going to pass out this camp packing guide. Pass it back."

"Road-trip!" Kaminari exclaimed, raising his hand for a high five, which Kirishima was the only one to reciprocate.

'Road-trip doesn't sound too bad,' you thought while leaning back in your seat.


"You're dismissed," Aizawa said. "Go home and rest." As the final bell rang, everyone scattered.

You scooped up your belongings and shoved them in your bag, which you then tossed over your shoulder. Your phone began to vibrate in the pocket of your blazer, and you fished it out as you stepped out into the hall.

"Hello?" you questioned as you answered the call without bothering to look at the caller ID.

"Hey, what're you doing?" the voice of your mother greeted your ears.

"I'm just leaving school," you replied. "What's up?"

"Me and your father are attending a banquet out of the city for his work," she explained. "I don't want you home alone with the crime rate so high. Do you have a friends house you can stay at for the night?"

"I don't know. It's last minute. I can ask though," you said. You remembered Shinso telling you he was busy training with Aizawa ever odd day of the week, so, for once, he wasn't an option.

"Let me know if you can't," your mother responded.

"I will," you nodded even though she couldn't see you. "Bye."

You ended the call and stuffed your phone in your pocket before looking around. You saw Mina approaching, so you quickly stopped her.

"Hey," you said as you stepped in her path. "Do you think I could stay at yours tonight? My parents don't want me home alone, and they're going out of town."

"Well, all of us girls were gonna go and hang out at the arcade. I don't know how late we'll be. If you don't care to stay up late, I'm sure my parents wouldn't mind you sleeping over," she explained.

You thought for a moment. After yesterdays practical exam, you didn't really feel like running around. You'd rather relax and do something inside.

"That's fine," you shook your head with a smile. "I feel like staying in tonight. I'll ask someone else. Thanks though." You waved Mina off as she left.

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