Chapter 52 // Unexpected Guest

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You knocked on Aizawa's office door, which was on the first floor of the dormitory, and only entered when you heard a faint, "come in."

You pushed the door open to find Aizawa sitting at his desk. He had papers scattered in front of him and a pen in his hand. He was in more comfortable attire, which still consisted of clothes similar to his hero outfit, and his scarf was set side. His hair was tied up in a ponytail.

"May I have the key to Gym Gamma?" you asked. "Todoroki and I want to get in some training."

"[L/N], you're on house arrest," Aizawa replied.

"But this is training for school," you pleaded. "You said school's an exception."

"[L/N], It's..." Aizawa trailed off, looking at the time on his computer, "seven at night. You want to train this late?"

"We we're gonna do it right after school," you began, "but I wanted to catch up on some of the stuff I missed while I was gone. I promise we'll be back before curfew, and we'll lock up."

"If the school wasn't five minutes away, I'd say no," Aizawa sighed as he opened up one of his desk drawers and pulled out a set of keys, which he then handed to you.

"Thanks, Sensei," you said before stepping out of his office and closing the door. You rushed to the front of the building where Todoroki was waiting by the front doors.

"Got the keys," you stated with a small smile while holding said keys in the air. "Let's go."

Todoroki silently opened the door and allowed you to step outside first before following suit. The two of you walked in tandem using the sidewalk as you headed to the school.

It was a bit chilly, so it was, in some ways, stupid of you to wear shorts and a tank top, but you knew you were going to get sweaty and tired from training. Plus, it was only a few minute walk to U.A.

"So..." Todoroki soon began, clearly wanting to make small talk but obviously struggling to. "How are you and Bakugo...doing?"

"Fine," you replied before clearing your throat. "We're not...we haven't labeled anything yet, but we have feelings for each other, and that's enough in my book."

Todoroki simply nodded in response before he hesitantly said, "so what did he do to make you like him? I mean, how do you realize you have a crush on someone like Bakugo?"

"Good question," you chuckled. "At first, I didn't even think that I would ever have feelings for someone like him, but then I focused less on my rivalry with him and more on just...him. We hung out more at Best Jeanist's agency, and I got him to open up enough for me to be able to see past what everyone thought was just anger. I began to be more understanding. He started to be more vulnerable. I think we hated each other before we loved each other, and then it just happened."

You reached Gymnasium Gamma and used the keys Aizawa gave you to unlock the doors before shoving them in the pocket of your shorts.

"Why so curious?" you wondered.

"Making small talk," was all Todoroki said before entering the gym.

You shot him a suspicious glance but ultimately decided to leave it be as you headed inside as well.

"We can start on observations or strategies," you said while closing the door to give the two of you the upmost privacy.

"There's a difference?" Todoroki questioned. "I usually just...blend them together."

"That works for some people," you replied, "but that can also cause too many gears to turn, which isn't always good for focus."

"Which do you recommend we start with?" Todoroki asked.

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