Chapter 57 // Search and Resuce

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Loud yelling and the awful smell of mold woke you up. The place you were in was dim, and it smelled terribly. You couldn't even tell if you were anywhere close to the dorms.

"Deal's off."

"That doesn't mean you keep her!"

"I caught her!"

"And the only reason you knew to take her tonight was because Toga found out she was leaving!"

"If your colleagues are so efficient, why did you have to ask me to kidnap her in the first place?"

You looked up, winced at a dull ache in your head, and blinked to adjust your blurry vision to make out who was all standing in front of you.

"She's awake," a familiar manic voice stated.

"Toga," you hissed.

"Aw, she's remembers me!" the villain cheered. "Boss, she's knows me! Hey, maybe we don't have to turn her! Maybe we can recruit her!"

"That didn't work so well last time," Dabi replied, "or do you not remember why we had to move to this dump?"

Your vision finally cleared enough for you to see properly, and you finally realized just who was standing in front of you: the entirety of the League of Villains and Overhaul.

"Great, Beak Guy's back," you said while craning your head back and rolling your neck to relieve it of multiple tense muscles.

"Shut it," Overhaul replied before looking back at Shigaraki. "If you wanted her so bad, you should've done more. I'm the one who caught her. I'm the one who has the proper tech to change her and harvest her quirk. We've been over this. I'm stronger than your little group of bandits any day."

"Do you understand how powerful all of us could be if we harvest and manipulate her quirk?" Shigaraki questioned as if you weren't in the room. "We could change it so that only the invisibility aspect is left, and, not only could we apply it to the nomu that are left, but we could apply it to ourselves. Villain's with invisible quirks would be unstoppable."

"Some of your quirks don't need to be invisible," Overhaul argued. "It would moreover be a waste of time, and I have better plans for her."

"Do you not comprehend how deal's work?" Shigaraki wondered. "It's mutual."

"Not when one side does all the work," Overhaul deadpanned.

"Hey!" Toga shouted with a whine. "I took out Vlad King all by myself and figured out their stupid plan to send her to America!"

"And we also still have Vlad King," Shigaraki added. "Won't he even out the deal?"

"He won't be as of much service as her," Overhaul answered, glancing at you to which you glared at him in response. "I have plans for her."

"And so do we," Shigaraki said. "Don't think we're just going to allow you to take her."

"Do you remember what happened the last time you tried to fight me? You lost a colleague." Overhaul stated.

As the two continued to bicker, you tugged at the rope keeping you in your chair and bounding your hands behind your back. You tried to undo the knot, but your fingers wouldn't curl up enough to grab at it.

"Don't worry," Overhaul continued to speak to Shigaraki as he walked over to you. "You can still be my employees."

"Bastard," Shigaraki cursed, having no other choice but to watch as Overhaul began to untie you.

"Do you not remember I began a beat down on you in the gym?" you questioned angrily.

"Kid, I wasn't even trying to fight you then," Overhaul replied.

As soon as you were untied, you jumped up to run, but Overhaul simply grabbed you by your forearm and yanked you back.

"Besides, you can't fight me if you're asleep," he added, causing you to crane your head back and look at him in confusion.

"Wha—" a needle was jammed into your neck and an unknown flood was pumped into your veins.

Your eyes rolled back in your head before you could do anything in retaliation, and darkness greeted you as you were forced into unconsciousness.


"I want everyone who's on this case out looking for this girl!" Aizawa shouted sternly as held up a photo of you to the dozens of officers standing in front of him. "She went missing about thirty minutes ago. All that was left behind was her phone. The main suspect is Overhaul, and next is the League of Villains. Keep an eye out for them as well. I don't want this search to stop until we at least find a lead. Understood?"

The officers either nodded or responded with a verbal answer, causing Aizawa to immediately send them on their way to begin the search.


Aizawa turned around to find his two closest friends, Yamada and Kayama, rushing over to him, having just gotten to the station.

"We got your text," Yamada stated. "What happened?"

"[L/N] was taken," Aizawa answered shortly. "We don't know by who, but our main suspect is Overhaul. I'm sending out a search and rescue team."

"She got taken the day before she was supposed to go to America?" Kayama questioned. "That's a bit suspicious, don't you think?"

"Very," Aizawa agreed, "the one question is how would Overhaul and or the League have figured out the plan."

"Eavesdropping. Maybe a bug," Yamada suggested, "but we were within the school walls. They would've had to have been in the room."

Aizawa thought back to the meeting, remembering when he talked to Vlad King after begin dismissed.

"Himiko Toga," Aizawa mentioned with a growl.

"That girl with the League?" Kayama said. "What does she have to do with this?"

"Vlad was acting a bit weird earlier, quiet. I didn't see him the rest of the day after the meeting," Aizawa explained. "How much you wanna bet she used her quirk to disguise herself as him?"

"If she did, then where the hell is he?" Yamada wondered aloud.

Aizawa cursed and pulled out his phone, calling the missing hero, who didn't answer. He called again, but it once more went to voicemail.

"Tell the search team to look out for Vlad King!" he shouted to the remaining officers that were still scattering to grab their things before leaving.

"Shota," Kayama began, "what do you think they're gonna do to her?"

"I don't know," Aizawa replied with a tried sigh. "I hope we don't have to find out."


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