Chapter 41 // Love of Mine

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Bakugo ended up spending his whole day by your side, much to your nurse's dismay. He tended to your needs. Whenever you asked for something, he retrieved it. When you wanted a drink, he scavenged the entire building to find it. When you wanted food, he headed straight to the cafeteria. When you felt uncomfortable in your bed, he fluffed your pillows and fixed your blankets. He was doing everything. He was doing so much that your assigned nurse only had to come in to occasionally check your vitals. Otherwise, it was only Bakugo and you.

This behavior only carried onto Bakugo's second day of visiting you. He arrived exactly at 8:00 A.M., the time visiting hours began.

"How're you feeling, Mighty Mouse?" Bakugo questioned as he stepped into your room. He slowly closed the door behind him as to not startle you.

Similar to the day prior, your initial reaction to Bakugo's presence was delayed, but you managed to turn your head to look at him as he pulled up a chair and sat beside you.

"'re-you're back," you rasped out.

From your hoarse voice, it was clear to Bakugo that you hadn't spoken much that day yet, so he grabbed a half-empty water bottle that was sitting on the table beside your bed and took off the cap.

"I told you I'd be back," Bakugo stated as he slipped his free hand beneath your head, holding your neck. "Here," he said while guiding the water bottle to your lips.

Your lips twitched as you let your mouth fall open. Your eyes struggled to focus on the bottle, so you ended up just tiredly staring at Bakugo as he slowly poured the water into your mouth.

"Did you eat yet?" Bakugo asked as he set the water bottle aside a few seconds after. He settled your head back on your pillows before resting his hands on your limp arm.

"...s-some," you stuttered out, your voice now more clear from the help of the water. "Th...the nurse gave-gave me pudd-pudding and toast. Pudding w-was chocolate th-though. I-I didn't like it."

"You want different pudding?" Bakugo asked, his hand rubbing your forearm. You simply nodded.

"Alright," Bakugo said as he stood. "I'll check the cafeteria. What kind do you want?"

"See-see if th-ey have lem-lemon," you replied while looking up at him.

"If they don't have it, I'll check the store across the street," Bakugo assured, making sure to leave you feeling comfortable by straightening out your blankets before placing a kiss on your forehead.

Bakugo left your room after that and hurried to the cafeteria. Upon seeing that the only flavors available were chocolate, vanilla, and butterscotch, the boy checked his wallet to make sure he had enough cash on hand before heading across the street to the store.

Bakugo expected many things upon walking through the automatic sliding doors of the building. He expected it to be slightly crowded. He expected to see possibly a few kids running around. He expected to earn glances from people who were simply alerted by the sound of the door opening. He didn't expect for every pair of eyes to glue to him as if he and just committed an indecent act in public.

"What're you lookin' at?" Bakugo questioned gruffly, raising his voice so that everyone in the store was aware he was speaking to all of them.

Upon hearing his voice, everyone averted their attention to whatever they had been doing before he entered the store. Bakugo proceeded to ignore the people surrounding him as he headed to the back where the snacks were.

Bakugo scanned every food item as he passed it, observing the shelves closely to make sure he wouldn't miss your desired food item when it came into view. It wasn't long before he came upon a shelf that had four-packs of various flavors of pudding stacked on it.

PUPPET // KATSUKI BAKUGO [1]Where stories live. Discover now